Wednesday 19 December 2018


Men are happier when their wives don't go out to work, study finds

A new Australian study reveals that couples with breadwinning wives are more likely to split than those who follow 'traditional gender roles'

Jon Hamm and January Jones in Mad Men
Jon Hamm and January Jones in Mad Men: 'traditional gender roles die hard' Photo: AMC

According to a study published today, the success of modern marriages is dependent on a strict adherence to traditional social values. The extensive survey, conducted by the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, has collated data suggesting that if the man isn't bringing home the bacon, then his marriage is more likely to fail.

Professor Roger Wilkins, the author of the report, believes that the recent economic downturn could be upsetting the equilibrium of conventional marriages. He commented that "there’s reasonable evidence that if the unemployment rate rises, particularly for men, it will have detrimental consequences for marital stability".

Whilst these 'conventional marriages', built upon foundations of 'traditional social values', are becoming less and less important in a world of legalised gay marriage and equality in the workplace, the fact remains that many male/female couples still operate using the social codes that were so stringently established during the last century.

Are out-dated social attitudes towards marriage still hard-wired into the modern man?

Shockingly, even in instances where one partner worked over 50 hours every week, the rate of divorce and relationship dissatisfaction was still not as high as when a female partner out-earned her husband. Wilkins acknowledges that these results do not scream 'social progress', yet explains why he was not surprised.

"When you look at men’s relationship satisfaction, it’s at its highest when their wife is not in the workforce. It does seem that that’s what is behind it; those traditional gender roles die hard. I guess all things being equal, men would prefer their wife at home and managing the household."

Indeed, a study published last year concluded that husbands who work long hours are likely to have happier and healthier wives while hardworking women's spouses tend to suffer.

Key to a happy marriage is a hard working husband

Stress and jealousy appear to be the major factors that upset the equilibrium of marriages - most notably either when the man is unemployed, or when he is out-earned by his female partner. And though these findings may not reflect the gender flexibility of the modern world, they do prove that the institution of marriage has been hard-wired with some rather out-dated and unspoken rules.

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