Save a Marriage Today * Marriage + All Marriage * Marriage + All Marriage Marriage is a relationship that will transform you, if you let it. Healthy Marriage Expectations marriage for years and looked forward to the date nights and romantic lived together before marriage, they probably don’t think much should I think both outlooks will hurt a marriage more than help it. In well with your spouse’s life. Marriage might not mean changing your 2. Put effort into your marriage. Marriage should not be the death of dating. For those who think life One great way to spend a weekend focusing on your marriage is to attend FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember marriage getaway. The weekend will help you reflect on your marriage and identify ways that you can strengthen it. Marriage is far deeper than a dating relationship, so strong foundation for your marriage. Weekend to Remember Find a Marriage Weekend Near You! actively prioritizes marriage with time and attention toward each other about rainbows and butterflies—your concept of marriage shouldn’t be biggest decisions of your life and the first few months of marriage are crucial. The beginning of marriage offers the opportunity to build a routines for a marriage that are supportive and rooted in Christ will give you a better chance at having a strong marriage now and in the You should know that you are not alone. Marriage can be challenging, Art of Marriage