Marriage Marriage, a legally and socially sanctioned union, usually between a marriage within different societies and cultures is attributed to the of lines of descent. Through the ages, marriages have taken a great number of forms. (See exchange marriage; group marriage; polyandry; polygamy; tree marriage. See also common-law marriage.) By the 21st century the nature of marriage in Western became the first country to legalize same-sex marriages; the law went children, and marriage traditionally has been seen as the institution family law: Legal consequences of marriage Two persons might produce the economic incidents of marriage by marriage. The contract may be complex, with a variety of clauses, as Some form of marriage has been found to exist in all human societies, The main legal function of marriage is to ensure the rights of the the relationships of children within a community. Marriage has most societies marriage also established the permissible social Until the late 20th century, marriage was rarely a matter of free with marriage, but even in Western cultures (as the novels of writers primary motive for matrimony in most eras, and one’s marriage partner or group, is the oldest social regulation of marriage. When the forms of communication with outside groups are limited, endogamous marriage from marriage large groups who may trace their lineage to a common unit, marriages are usually arranged by the family. The assumption is that love between the partners comes after marriage, and much thought mates. It is assumed that love precedes (and determines) marriage, and In societies with arranged marriages, the almost universal custom is chief responsibility is to arrange a marriage that will be satisfactory almost always exchanged in societies that favour arranged marriages. Roman Catholicism: Marriage The inclusion of marriage among the sacraments gives the Roman Catholic jurisdiction over the marriages of its members, even though… then usually leads to marriage. Marriage rituals The rituals and ceremonies surrounding marriage in most cultures are marriage for the continuation of a clan, people, or society. They also Marriage ceremonies include symbolic rites, often sanctified by a symbolic, to the married couple are a significant part of the marriage Fertility rites intended to ensure a fruitful marriage exist in some the marriage and an easy childbirth. chains, or the tying of garments. However, all the elements in marriage involving several prescribed rituals. Marriages are generally arranged marriage remains primarily a secular affair, even though the Buddha In Judaism marriage is believed to have been instituted by God and is described as making the individual complete. Marriage involves a double modern ceremony begins with the groom signing the marriage contract reading of the marriage contract, the seven marriage benedictions, the symbolizes the consummation of the marriage. and indissolubility of marriage. Jesus Christ spoke of marriage as based upon mutual consent. Some Christian churches count marriage as marriage but do not identify it as a sacrament. Since the Middle Ages, marriage: Christian wedding ceremony marriage: Christian wedding ceremonyA bride and groom receiving In Islam marriage is not strictly a sacrament but is always understood tenets concerning marriage are laid out in the Qurʾān, which states equitably. Marriages are traditionally contracted by the father or family law: Legal consequences of marriage Two persons might produce the economic incidents of marriage by constitution of marriage. The contract may be complex, with a …united by the ties of marriage, blood, or adoption, constituting a * exchange marriage Exchange marriage, form of marriage involving an arranged and marriage is most common in societies that have a unilineal descent …the advancing age of first marriage for women. Medieval girls were very young at first marriage, barely past puberty; these young 20s. By the late 16th century, parish marriage registers show that …to beliefs in a romantic marriage, which became part of the new family ideal. Marriage age for middle-class women also dropped, More About Marriage + In family law: Legal consequences of marriage * marriage law + In marriage law * Cornell Law School - Legal Information Institute - Marriage * The Catholic Encyclopedia - History of Marriage * The Spruce Eats - How Long Has the Institution of Marriage Existed * marriage - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up) Marriage marriage: Hindu wedding ceremony View All Media + Same-sex marriage + Marriage law + Banns of marriage * Roman Catholicism: Marriage * Eastern Orthodoxy: Marriage * Turkey: Marriage and family life * Population: Marriage * Family law: Legal consequences of marriage * California Indian: Marriage and child rearing * Same-sex marriage * Common-law marriage * Marriage rituals Marriage Marriage