Marriage has changed dramatically throughout history, but gender Same-sex marriage has been legal for a year in Australia, but more progress can still be made on gender inequality in marriages and more than 60% of those who expressed a view backed marriage equality. reflect on how marriage as an institution has changed in Australia and should retain “the traditional definition of marriage”. But our research on the history of marriage and divorce shows that the tradition of marriage has actually changed a lot since the 18th Historically, marriage was the key way families passed on status, The institution of marriage also came with strongly prescribed gender strictly controlled in marriages. Regardless of whether a family was marriage. The decline in the influence of religion also played a role in marriage laws becoming more “gender neutral”. countries, women in marriages who take on a home-maker role can seek to The appeal of marriage to same-sex couples relationships, rather than marriage equality. LGBT activists didn’t really start focusing on marriage until 2004, when the Australian government altered the Australian Marriage Act of 1961. By strictly defining marriage as “the union of a man and a woman À lire aussi : A year since the marriage equality vote, much has been The symbolic importance of marriage in the LGBT community also marriage equality. Today, the extent to which marriage appeals more to gay men or lesbians Lesbians have accounted for the majority of same-sex marriages in So far, lesbians have accounted for the majority of same-sex marriages better financial protections offered by marriage given they are more For all the debate about “the traditional definition of marriage”, our research finds that marriage has always been a constantly evolving and changing institution. Same-sex marriage is just the latest change. inequality for same-sex couples, and laws relating to marriage no within the institution of marriage continues to be a problem. * Marriage * Marriage equality A year since the marriage equality vote, much has been gained – and there is