For richerMarriage in the West In wealthy countries, marriage is no longer a rite of passage but a the Students Exploring Marriage Trust, a charity that tries to promote years older. One-third of brides under 20 were bounced into marriage, These days the marriage rate in England and Wales is just 21 per 1,000 single women in any one year. The median age at first marriage has marriage is almost the norm. Fully 48% of English and Welsh babies were Marriage is no longer thought essential, even for raising children. Even so, Britons seem to idealise marriage more than ever. A once attain wedlock—call them the uxariat—marriage is becoming more Britons’ attitudes to sex and marriage since the early 1980s. In almost young ones, now take a more critical view of affairs. Marriage seems even sharper. The Marriage Foundation, a charity, calculates that 87% poor do not. Rather, marriage is favoured by well-off people and some Somalia, which have strong marriage cultures. The part of Britain with the lowest proportion of births outside marriage, at 20%, is Harrow, a marriage first, then children. They are less clear about why they As marriage becomes the preserve of such careful people, unions are marriage and 25% by the tenth. Couples who married a decade later are marriage. In America education and marriage go hand-in-hand, to the extent that marriage rates are now higher among women with PhDs than These marriages of social and educational equals seem to be satisfying, For those who achieve it, marriage increasingly looks like a triumph. There is, however, a cost to this kind of marriage. If you insist on a their marriage targets. Only 83% of Hispanics and 68% of blacks ended she says, the least fortunate cling most tightly to a romantic marriage marriage, largely because the men they might marry are not up to much. miserable marriage after he gets his 18-year-old girlfriend pregnant. and the baby, and she has better options outside marriage than she did marriage have such a dismal record. America’s federal government has Conservatives point out that none of the barriers to marriage in * The state of marriage as an institution * Marriage in India is becoming less traditional * Consanguineous marriages are declining * Marriage in the West * A distorted sex ratio is playing havoc with marriage in China