Focus on the Family Marriage Events and Weekend Retreats

Strengthen your marriage or the marriages in your church by hosting one of our Focus Marriage Conferences or attending one of our Weekend Marriage Retreats. Our speakers and counselors lead couples through biblically-based lessons to enrich and deepen relationships.

Secrets for Lifelong Romance

Pastors, do you want the marriages in your church to be filled with passion and adventure? They can! Marriage may be filled with twists and turns but they don’t have to lead couples off course. For the Secrets for Lifelong Romance conference, Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley will visit your church and lead the couples in your congregation through 12 biblically based secrets for lifelong romance. The Smalleys will help your congregation discover true love through practical advice and stories from their own relationship and counseling experiences.

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The Power of Healthy Conflict

Arguments in marriage typically involve things like money, sex, or kids. These arguments can often bring couples apart. But what if conflict in marriage could be a good thing? In the Power of Healthy Conflict conference, Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley show how fighting, when done well, can be healthy and can actually strengthen marriages. Couples in your church will benefit from the personal guidance and easy-to-relate-to lessons that the Smalleys will lead your congregation through.

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Love Laugh Pursue Event

Love Laugh Pursue is the hilarious one-night event where engaged and married couples can get out and enjoy time together! Join Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley and comedian Ted Cunningham as they share real-life stories and experiences from their own marriages in a relaxed and comfortable environment.

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Weekend Marriage Retreats at the Focus on the Family Retreat Center

In 2010, the Lord provided us with a beautiful property on the shores of Lake Taneycomo in Branson, Missouri. In this secluded environment, led by our talented team of facilitators, we now offer all-inclusive marriage retreats on topics that vary from communication to sexuality. These weekend retreats are designed for up to 15 couples to escape the distractions of daily life and focus on each other.

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Focus on Marriage Assessment

A couple taking the marriage assessment

The Focus on the Family Marriage Assessment is designed to evaluate the strength of 12 essential traits of your marriage. Do you know your marriage’s strengths and weaknesses?

Take the Assessment Now!