language well, do this? My own experiences with machine-translation people are quite enamored of translation programs, finding little to followed the attempts to mechanize translation for decades. When I machine-translation advocate, to Norbert Wiener, a key figure in person thinks that a machine translation can ever achieve elegance and translation-as-decoding became a credo that has long driven the field of machine translation. Since those days, “translation engines” have gradually improved, and The New York Times Magazine, and “Machine Translation: Beyond Babel” by and revolts me. To my mind, translation is an incredibly subtle art machine translation, I decided I had to check out the latest word: understanding. Machine translation has never focused on high-quality translation without paying attention to what language is The translation challenge seems straightforward, but in French (and carry my French translation back into English and get the English right is, first in German, followed by my own translation, and then Google Translate’s version. (By the way, I checked my translation with two the text and certainly not listed as a translation of “ungerade” in any for translation. The 15-letter German noun “Wissenschaftler” means translation of “Wissenschaftlerinnen kamen sowieso nicht in frage”? It the label “translation”? translation engine was not imagining large or small amounts or numbers To me, the word “translation” exudes a mysterious and evocative aura. along with my own translation (again vetted by native speakers of The leader of the translation committee of Mao’s works was Comrade The leadership of the Mao Tse Translation Committee is Comrade Xu A third oddity is that in the phrase “Mao Tse Translation Committee,” from books I’m currently reading gave rise to translation blunders of problems for machine translation today. So I would venture that bigger word “translation” means, but to some people it’s a great service, and to them it qualifies as translation. Well, I can see what they want, represent the “quality” of translations done by humans and by computers, and these graphs depict the latest translation engines as being within striking distance of human-level translation. To me, represent translation quality is simply an abuse of the external the nature of art. And translation is an art. When, one day, a translation engine crafts an artistic novel in verse