company’s popular machine-translation service, had suddenly and almost Gatsby,” Takashi Nozaki’s 1957 translation and Haruki Murakami’s more produce. Murakami’s translation is written “in very polished Japanese,” distinctively “Murakami-style.” By contrast, Google’s translation — their own experiments with the machine-translation service. Some were fivefold increase in translations between Arabic and German. (It was translations between English and Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, translation. The second story, the story of Google Brain and its many very clear: in mathematics, for example, or chess. Translation, toward an instrumental task like machine translation. Hinton told me he Le’s paper showed that neural translation was plausible, but he had machine translation has worked for about 30 years: It sequestered each translation,” because by the time the system gets to the next phrase, that human-quality machine translation is not only a short-term competitor Baidu — or India, decent machine translation would be an pathbreaking paper about the possibility of neural machine translation And in the more distant, speculative future, machine translation was elsewhere had been trying to make neural translation work — not in a evaluate machine translation is called a BLEU score, which compares a machine translation with an average of many reliable human translations. At the time, the best BLEU scores for English-French were Until then, the neural-translation team had been only three people — Stone of statistical machine translation was millions of pages of the translations that were crowdsourced from enthusiastic respondents. The neural translation, with Mike Schuster, who helped apply that work to on. As Hughes put it to me at one point: “The neural-translation system February, the translation of a 10-word sentence took 10 seconds. They of faked delays, to identify tolerance. They found that a translation The neural-translation project would be proof of concept for the whole Google’s neural translation was at last working. By the time of the introduced neural translation for Chinese to English, some people translation project itself represented a “collaboration between groups Their neural-translation project, he continued, represented a “step rather than a smooth curve. The relevant translation had been not just translation. The Chinese Room argument was proposed in 1980 by the A.I. TRANSLATION IS INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM HUMANS’. Over the final neural translation attained perfect functionality, it would reveal