Is Neural Machine Translation Ready for Marketing Content? translations Google would generate. While the tool isn’t nearly as bad But Google Translate doesn’t represent all machine translation. translation — just like everything else — you get what you pay for. Related Article: Tips for Building a Content Translation Strategy Machine Translation Post-Editing, MT+PE Professional (not free) machine translation helps companies translate of traditional translation. The language industry calls this pairing: machine translation post-editing, or MT+PE for short. Traditionally, when you buy translation, your content goes through two rounds — the the entire process. This is what makes machine translation okay for machine translation should be used when translating content of high programmers call an engine. Machine translation engines must be learning, machine translation needs data to improve. If your company’s Enter Neural Machine Translation these days is neural machine translation, which is blowing other machine translation out of the water.” Using neural network technology brain, neural machine translation can train in multiple languages and company — using machine translation to represent any kind of says. “The fewer eyeballs on potential content for translation and the translation, marketing, terena bell