Two in Three Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage Two in Three Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage Two in Three Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage * 67% of U.S. adults say gay marriages should be legally valid * New high in support for gay marriage in Gallup's trend marriage -- the highest level in Gallup's trend. In each of the past increases among Americans who say same-sex marriages should be legally supported gay marriage when Gallup first polled on the question in GayMarriageSupport lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) adults getting married in partner, and the visibility of these marriages may be playing a role in Gay marriage became legal nationwide in 2015 upon the Supreme Court's state, Massachusetts, had legalized gay marriage. In the years leading against same-sex marriage. Democrats Reach New High in Support for Same-Sex Marriage Democrats remain the most likely to support gay marriage among party marriages is the highest level of support recorded for this group. recognition of gay marriages -- less than half of the GOP favors legal gay marriage (44%). The latest figure for Republicans' views on gay marriage is similar to the 47% recorded in 2017. The GOP has seen gay marriage over the years, but has yet to reach majority support. Democrats. Currently, 71% of independents say gay marriages should be GayMarriageSupport_political no formidable opposition trying to undo gay marriage's legality, it's The trend toward increased public support for same-sex marriage could who remain mostly opposed to legally recognized same-sex marriages. In addition to the general trend toward greater acceptance of gay marriage, the same-sex weddings taking place across the country may be years -- and even longer in certain states -- some opponents to gay marriage may be rethinking their previous opposition. largely mirrored its trend on legalization of gay marriage. On both USA All Gallup Headlines LGBT Marriage Moral Issues Politics Social and The percentage of American adults identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual Majority Remains Satisfied With Acceptance of Gays in U.S. A majority of Americans remain satisfied with the acceptance of gays