[index@promo&td_device=desktop&td_part=css&td_section=lifestyle+gay-mar [index@promo&td_device=desktop&td_part=top&td_section=lifestyle+gay-mar * gay marriage Same-sex marriage is now legal in Australia THE final step to make same-sex marriage legal in Australia has now the assent of the Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious SAME-SEX marriage is officially legal in Australia after the need to lodge a Notice of Intended Marriage one month before their It's official! Marriage Equality has been assent into law by the Governor General. Same-sex marriages can take place in Australia from Celebrations after the Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Celebrations after the Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Mr Turnbull described the postal survey on same-sex marriage as a traditional marriage, he insisted. “People that think gay people making a commitment is a threat to her marriage fails to realise that the real threat is lack of commitment,” the assent of the Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious the assent of the Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious [index@promo&td_device=desktop&td_part=bottom&td_section=lifestyle+gay- marriage] MORE IN gay marriage The consequences of gay marriage Secret meeting of marriage vote New twist in Bert and Ernie gay claim [more-in&td_module-header=gay+marriage&td_storyID=070e3df2531bdab8663fd [index@promo&td_device=desktop&td_part=js&td_section=lifestyle+gay-marr iage] [gay-marriage] [router@2.0.0&td_display=desktop&t_trouter=true]