News Demonstration to be held protesting £3.1m homelessness cuts outside City Chambers -- News A previous demonstration was held outside the City Chambers on October 1. (Image: Christina O'Neill) -- Could not subscribe, try again laterInvalid Email A demonstration protesting against cuts to homelessness services by Glasgow City Council is to take place in George Square outside the City Chambers next week. -- drugs raid In a video detailing the reasons for the demonstration, Scottish Tenants Organisation campaign co-ordinator Sean Clerkin said: "Our national committee met the other day and made a decision that weʼre going to hold a massive demonstration for the homeless on Thursday, 31st October at 12.30pm outside the City Chambers at George Square. "Iʼm asking everybody with a human conscience and compassion and who thinks well of the homeless to come along to that demonstration for half an hour, because what has been happening in Glasgow has been the biggest scandal there has been about homelessness."