#alternate alternate Global News WordPress.com Global News Lebanese protesters block highways in latest anti-government demonstration Feed Global News Feed -- Lebanese protesters block highways in latest anti-government demonstration * Leave a comment * Share this item -- World Lebanese protesters block highways in latest anti-government demonstration By Hussein Malla The Associated Press -- “Hela, hela, hela ho, the road is closed, sweetie,” the song went — a reflection of how the protesters have grown more creative as they have blocked roads as part of massive anti-government demonstrations underway for the last 12 days. -- The protests have paralyzed the country but have been largely peaceful, with security forces exercising restraint. There have been few reports of arrests or serious injuries since the demonstrations began, and security forces have stood by during mass rallies held in public squares. -- Lebanese protesters have been using civil disobedience to block roads across the country in support of mass demonstrations against the government. The protests, in their 12th day, are directed at the political elites which have dominated the country since its 1975-1990