initiative to link ‘the great cities of the north’. It builds on the Government’s HS3 idea – high speed lines from East to West across the North to link with the controversial £50billion high speed HS2 line going from London in the South to Birmingham and then onto to Leeds and Manchester in the North. -- Plans set out in the report include: slashing journey times between major northern cities with investment in high speed rail; developing new east-west road connections including a road tunnel under the peak district; and introducing Oyster-style smart travel cards and simpler -- * Sheffield to Hull in 60 minutes (compared to a best time of 86 minutes currently) through upgrading the existing route or using HS2 into Leeds, combined with the proposed Leeds-Hull improvements Mr McLoughlin is today at the Port of Liverpool’s container terminal L2 -- Chancellor Mr Osborne said: ‘This report has the potential to revolutionise transport in the North. ‘From backing high speed rail to introducing simpler fares right across the North, our ambitious plans for transport means we will deliver a truly national recovery where