Why the future IS bright for Britain's railways: Michael Portillo insists that station restorations and HS2 are reasons for passengers to have hope * Michael Portillo said that Britain has a new-found respect for -- He said: ‘Well, we’re behind in many ways. We don’t have nearly as much electrification or nearly as much high-speed rail as some of our European partners and China and Japan, but I do think our stations score very highly. -- particularly recommend, if the tourist has arrived in London, getting on the night sleeper from Euston, and waking up on Rannoch Moor. Mr Portillo said that he's very much looking forward to HS2 - but he's pictured here on a somewhat slower mode of transport... a pump trolley at Nene Valley Station Mr Portillo said that he's very much looking forward to HS2 - but he's pictured here on a somewhat slower mode of transport... a pump trolley at Nene Valley Station Mr Portillo said that he's very much looking forward to HS2 - but he's pictured here on a somewhat slower mode of transport... a pump trolley at Nene Valley Station -- ‘I am personally very much looking forward to Crossrail in London. It’s going to be transformative. And I can’t wait for HS2.’ Mr Portillo stressed that it’s high-speed rail that will help Britain make the most of its glorious Victorian infrastructure.