comments China has started looking into creating a 'high-speed flying train' that could reach speeds of 2,485 mph (4,000km/h), according to state-run space contractors. -- three times the speed of sound THE 'HIGH-SPEED FLYING TRAIN' The 'flying train' is a passenger pod that travels through a vacuum -- completed the first successful test of the passenger pod for its radical transport system The 'high-speed flying train' that could reach speeds of 2,485 mph (4,000km/h), according to state-run space contractors The 'high-speed flying train' that could reach speeds of 2,485 mph (4,000km/h), according to state-run space contractors The 'high-speed flying train' that could reach speeds of 2,485 mph (4,000km/h), according to state-run space contractors -- that killed 40 people and injured 191. China has laid more than 20,000 kilometres (12,400 miles) of high-speed rail, with a target of adding another 10,000 kilometres (6,214 miles) by 2020. China has spent an estimated $360 billion (£280 billion) on high-speed rail, building by far the largest network in the world. -- Zhao Jian, Beijing Jiaotong University professor and a leading researcher on China’s high-speed railway network, told the South China Morning Post that in order to avoid more accidents at higher speeds, the railway operator will need to reduce the number of trains in use at