The following year, China upped the ante again, kicking off a multibillion dollar high-speed rail revolution designed to demonstrate the Communist party’s scientific – and political – might. Since that pre-Olympic push began, China has built the world’s longest and fastest high-speed rail routes, using sleek white bullet trains to slash the distances between mega-cities including Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. In just over seven years, about 11,800 miles (19,000km) of high-speed track – about 55% of the global total – has been laid. “What the world did in half-a-century, we have done in 10 years,” said Zhao Jian, a -- Read more China’s high-speed lines were initially concentrated along the wealthy eastern coast but increasingly the revolution is sprinting westwards into the deserts and mountains that surround the old Silk Road, at -- Beijing’s railways are also going global with countries including the US, Thailand, Indonesia and the UK poised to build high-speed rail projects with differing levels of Chinese involvement. -- The furious pace of the expansion has raised red flags, including misgivings over safety in the wake of a deadly 2011 high-speed rail crash near the city of Wenzhou. The disaster, which claimed 40 lives, exposed a web of corruption at the heart of the country’s railways -- Wasserman/The Guardian Zhao, a long-term critic of China’s high-speed push, said there were also doubts over the financial viability of many projects. Building such connections between major cities such as Beijing or Shanghai made -- floors make a profit and the rest suffer serious losses,” he said. Wang, who has photographed seven of China’s eight key high-speed “arteries”, describes high-speed rail as a “great invention” that had profoundly changed the lives of millions of Chinese citizens. -- Road trading hub in China’s far west, Mohe, at the country’s northernmost tip, and to the balmy island of Hainan, which recently opened the world’s only high-speed rail “loop line”. “There are people who believe that travelling abroad is superior to