News > UK > Home News High Speed 2 railway would cost one-third less if built in France, says mastermind behind project Sir David Higgins is set to give little detail on costs in his report on the second phase of HS2 * Mark Leftly @MLeftly * Sunday 26 October 2014 00:00 {{^moreThanTen}} -- the journey time to 49 minutes, and is due for completion by 2026 Sir David Higgins, the mastermind behind the High Speed 2 railway, believes that an equivalent track in France would come in at one-third of the cost. The HS2 Ltd chairman led a delegation to south-west France in the summer to look into why the 302km Tours-Bordeaux high-speed line, and 38km of connecting lines to the existing rail network, cost little more than £6bn. A source close to HS2 said that even after “stripping out” differences in topography and expensive new stations, such as a hub in Crewe, “the comparisons with France were not good, kilometre for kilometre”. -- It is understood that Sir David will give little detail on costs in his report on the second phase of HS2, a Y-shaped route linking Birmingham to Manchester and Leeds, because of that visit. He has challenged his team to find ways of reducing costs in Phase Two, and he recently -- Tomorrow, George Osborne, the Chancellor, will announce plans for what has been dubbed HS3, a line across the Pennines that would act as a major economic boost to the North. Writing on page 42 today, the Shadow Chancellor, Ed Balls, and former Transport secretary Lord Adonis