Richard Brown, recently appointed to the ailing firm, has strong links with HS2 * Mark Leftly @MLeftly * Sunday 5 July 2015 02:45 {{^moreThanTen}} -- * An artist’s impression of an HS2 train, due to start running in 2026 Network Rail is embroiled in a conflict of interest row after the -- state-backed group’s £38.5bn spending programme was in disarray. However, Mr Brown is also a deputy chairman at HS2 Ltd, which is behind the £42.6bn High Speed Two railway, and sits on the Department for Transport’s board. Rail sources said the DfT role could mean Mr Brown helps to approve requests that he was making for Network Rail. -- (BUTTON) Download now HS2 Ltd and Network Rail have clashed over which organisations should run HS2 when the first phase opens in 2026. “Richard Brown is compromised left, right and centre,” said one rail executive, who noted that there was pressure for Mr Brown to drop at least one of the roles. -- maintain and run 20,000 miles of track. Richard Brown is also a deputy chairman at HS2 Ltd (AFP/Getty) Read more -- director to Network Rail for a period of 12 months. We do not believe that there are any conflicts of interest which prevent him from serving on the board of DfT or HS2 in conjunction with this role. Were any conflict to arise in the course of business, there are appropriate processes in place to identify and manage this.” -- 1/2 An artist’s impression of an HS2 train, due to start running in 2026 2/2 Richard Brown is also a deputy chairman at HS2 Ltd AFP/Getty