Close HS2 routes: Where will it go? Will homes be demolished? When will it be finished? -- * The final route for HS2's second phase from Birmingham to Manchester and Leeds has been revealed by the Government. Opponents of the high-speed railway project claim it will run over budget, create havoc during construction and have disastrous environmental consequences. -- Where will it go? The proposed route for HS2 services (Department for Transport) The eastern section of the line will link Birmingham and Leeds via -- Will homes be demolished? 'Stop HS2' posters in homes at the new Shimmer housing development which will be part demolished to make way for the high-speed rail link (Getty) -- How much will it cost? The proposed route for the HS2 high speed rail scheme in the north-west, East Midlands and Yorkshire (PA) Rail expert Michael Byng has estimated that HS2 will cost more than £400m per mile making it the world's most expensive railway, according to The Sunday Times. -- Read more * HS2 route to destroy homes in Yorkshire, Government reveals * Carillion in a mess and yet it's part of a £1.4bn HS2 contract win * HS2 'will be most expensive railway on Earth at £403m a mile' * Philip Hammond gets cost of HS2 wrong by £20bn * Major engineering firm pulls out of £170m HS2 contract The newspaper reported he calculated the scheme will cost up to £104bn, -- "We have not commissioned any advice from Michael Byng on the cost of HS2." He added: "We are keeping a tough grip on costs and the project is on time and on budget at £55.7bn." Campaign group Stop HS2 said leaks from inside the project suggested the 351-mile line could end up costing in the region of £200 billion - nearly four times the current £55.7 billion budget. The Transport Secretary, Chris Grayling, said it was "incredible, inconceivable and simply nonsense" to suggest the cost of HS2 is set to spiral. -- launch in 2018-19. High-speed trains are expected to begin operating between London and Birmingham in 2026. -- Additional reporting by agencies More about HS2 | Chris Grayling | Department for Transport | London | Birmingham | Manchester | Leeds | Sheffield | Yorkshire | West Midlands | East Midlands | South Yorkshire | Crewe | Rotherham | -- (BUTTON) Created with Sketch. Everything you need to know about HS2 1/3 The proposed route for HS2 services Department for Transport 2/3 'Stop HS2' posters in homes at the new Shimmer housing development which will be part demolished to make way for the high-speed rail link Getty 3/3 The proposed route for the HS2 high speed rail scheme in the north-west, East Midlands and Yorkshire PA