Voices > Editorials Now we learn that HS2 will cause 'far worse' damage than expected, it confirms this is a flawed project -- * The greatest argument against HS2 is its opportunity cost: that its huge price tag is money that could be better spent elsewhere ( Reuters ) We report today that HS2, the planned high-speed railway from London to Birmingham and the north of England, is going to cause “far worse” damage to homes, businesses and the environment on its route than -- southwest and London commuter services, there are economic benefits that could be brought by increased investment that would accrue decades before anything that would come through from HS2. And that is before we even consider the case for improved bus services, -- PA All of which is to say that the greatest argument against HS2 is its opportunity cost: that its huge price tag is money that could be better spent elsewhere. -- late to stop the project, and whether it is realistic to try. The major construction phase is about to start and, even if there were an early election, Labour committed itself to “complete” HS2 in its manifesto last year. -- the rest of the country. More about Editorial | HS2 | Transport | Chris Grayling | Show{{#moreThan3_total}} {{value_total}} {{/moreThan3_total}} comments