CCTV footage has been released of a cyclist being hit by a high-speed train in Poland in a bid to show the dangers of ignoring red lights and barriers at level crossings.

In the footage, a 26-year-old cyclist is seen riding at speed along a road, but the minute he reaches the tracks between a level crossing he is hit by a high-speed train and thrown several metres off the road.

The man lands on the ground, appearing lifeless, while a driver at the level crossing rushes out of their car to aid him. The cyclist was taken to hospital but reportedly only suffered minor injuries.

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He is also understood to have been fined £120 for ignoring a red light, Sky News reports.

The incident happened on 5 November but the CCTV footage was recently released by the railway company Polskie Koleje Panstwowe as a lesson for others.

Miroslaw Siemieniec, a spokesperson for the company, said in a statement: “This was a lesson in how not to cross the tracks.

“It’s important for all road users, no matter what their means of transport, to take special care at level crossings,” he said. 


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