[couple_faces.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&zoom=1&resize=644%2C 483&ssl=1] It’s more common for women to be open about a shift in their sexuality (Picture: Mmuffin for Metro.co.uk) -- Advertisement But the fact is, science is showing us that sexuality can change throughout our lives, particularly when it comes with love. -- The research and reports around seem to indicate that more women than men change their sexuality later in life, but this could just be down to how much more acceptable it is in our society to be a woman-loving-woman than a man who’s attracted men. -- As we become more open as a society and more willing to admit to others when our tastes lead us to stray from the narrow path marked ‘normal,’ more people are feeling freer to let their sexuality flow. Realising that you might not be as straight as you always believed can -- Advertisement If you think your sexuality might be moving, don’t hide away from it. Reach out to one of the numerous support groups across the country and -- If you have a family, for instance, it can be hard for a spouse to accept that your sexuality may have changed or broadened over the years.