+ Resources + Abuse & violence + Sexuality, Gender Identity and Belief: The Leicester Approach * Social life + Learn More -- We offer a range of free and confidential support and advice services around sexual health and HIV information; one-to-one emotional and practical support; support in 'coming out', sexuality and relationships; rapid HIV testing; community based men’s sexual health clinics; safer-sex packs for men and women; and a fully qualified -- * Resources * Abuse & violence * Sexuality, Gender Identity and Belief: The Leicester Approach Social life. -- * Home * Support * Sexuality, Gender Identity and Belief: The Leicester Approach Sexuality, Gender Identity and Belief: The Leicester Approach * Support -- * Resources * Abuse & violence * Sexuality, Gender Identity and Belief: The Leicester Approach Introduction to the project Welcome to the project homepage of Sexuality, Gender Identity and Belief: The Leicester Approach. -- individuals from LGB&T communities and LGB&T people of faith in order to discuss and get to the root of current attitudes and perceptions on sexuality, gender identity and belief within faith and LGB&T communities. These shared conversations will happen at a variety of times and days in order to make them as accessible as -- as well as exploring, acknowledging and addressing the issues and fears faced by faith communities leaders when talking about sexuality and gender identity to their communities. We anticipate this toolkit to grow in content, so this isn't the extensive list of what will be provided in the toolkit. -- for this project. There was an opportunity to hear stories from LGB&T people of faith, and their journeys and struggles of reconciling their sexuality, gender identity and faith, as well as participation in the next stages of the project. -- click here. To view the Religion, Youth and Sexuality presentation, presented by Dr Sarah-Jane Page, click here. -- wellbeing of LGB&T people of faith? 2. What are the barriers facing faith communities, faith community leaders and LGB&T people of faith when talking about sexuality and gender identity, and what can be done to overcome them? 3. Do you have any positive or negative stories to share, with any -- developing a toolkit were vast and extensive and could not be done in the timescale of the project. We also discovered that the project had simply just scratched the surface on the topic of sexuality, gender identity and belief, with a majority of people saying that more continuous work needs to be done, which would require further time and -- * Resources * Abuse & violence * Sexuality, Gender Identity and Belief: The Leicester Approach * Social life