Health Slavoj Žižek: Human sexuality is innately perverse Slavoj Žižek -- state of sex.” I agree, but I would add the lesson of psychoanalysis: something is constitutively rotten in the state of sex, human sexuality is in itself perverted, exposed to sadomasochist reversals and, specifically, to the mixture of reality and fantasy. Even when I am -- So, back to Wiseman, who concludes her comment: “By attempting to understand the shadowed new landscapes of porn, we may come closer to a healthy relationship with our own sexuality.” But what if sexuality is in itself not quite healthy, what if the shadowy aspects of porn do not just disturb from outside healthy sexuality but are rendered possible by its unhealthy aspect? In December 2916, upon learning of the sudden death of Carrie -- same, of course) sexually attractive. To prohibit talking about this, noticing it, means suspending not just “objectivisation” but sexuality as such. The sad trauma of those who are “ugly” and find it difficult to get attractive sexual partners is thus not only not resolved but just ignored and in this