BIOLOGY NOT CHOICE You’re born gay or straight, sexuality is written in a man’s DNA, scientists believe -- revealCredit: Getty - Contributor The findings boost arguments that homosexuality is a matter of biology, not choice. -- The study, published in the journal Scientific Reports, raises fears that parents could one day use gene testing to discover the sexuality of their unborn child. The findings give more weight to arguments that homosexuality is a matter of biology, not choice 3 The findings give more weight to arguments that homosexuality is a matter of biology, not choiceCredit: Getty - Contributor -- Up to five per cent of adults identify as gay. Hormonal effects in the womb may be one factor influencing sexuality. A Canadian study found the more older brothers a man has, the greater -- It suggests changes in a mum’s immune response while pregnant may play a role in determining sexuality. And Essex University research into identical twins has revealed when