Stuff How Trans Men Deal with Their Shifting Sexuality For some trans men, injecting testosterone doesn't just heighten their sexuality, it shifts it altogether. by Chris Godfrey -- to alter is exhaustive. That testosterone ramps up the libido is common knowledge, but for some trans men it doesn't just heighten their sexuality, it shifts it altogether. "Prior to my transition I definitely considered myself a lesbian for -- women but now it's completely shifted, and I'm finding myself more attracted to men. After about a year [on testosterone] I started to accept my sexuality as a bisexual. That took me by surprise because I've always been more comfortable with women. Testosterone is a powerful thing that's going into your body and it has some very -- Johannes Fuß, a sex researcher at Hamburg University's Institute for Sex Research and Forensic Psychiatry, conducted a study with his research team into the shifting sexuality experienced by trans men and women during their orientation. Though it was clear that transition-related events such as surgical interventions and hormonal -- According to Fuß, the onset of bodily changes as a result of surgery and hormones has the potential to end dysphoria and allow them to begin exploring their sexuality more freely. Dee began her transition ten months ago and, as a result of the hormones, already feels more comfortable and liberated sexually. Though she didn't consider her sexuality much prior to her transition – a result of not enjoying sex of any kind – since coming out as trans she has been able to experiment confidently and now identifies as pansexual. -- passing it really changes the dynamic. It changes it drastically." While the development of a more fluid sexuality is, according to Tucker, a common experience in the trans male community it's not one that is talked about much. But even for those who are aware that such a -- Tagged: Sex Sexuality LGBTQ trans