News & Politics / Opinion / Revisiting Cynthia Nixon’s contentious views on sexuality [cynthia-958x559.jpg] Revisiting Cynthia Nixon’s contentious views on sexuality ‘Being gay is a choice’ -- As the former Sex And The City star enters the race for New York Governor, writer Aimée Lutkin examines her complicated relationship with bisexuality, the public eye, and the LGBTQ community. As the former Sex And The City star enters the race for New York Governor, writer Aimée Lutkin examines her complicated relationship with bisexuality, the public eye, and the LGBTQ community. On Monday, Cynthia Nixon announced her candidacy for New York State -- While there are plenty of people who think all celebrities should stay far and away from the government, some of the most specific and immediate attacks on Nixon related to her sexuality. In 2013, Christine Quinn (a supporter of Nixon’s current opponent, Andrew Cuomo) ran against Bill de Blasio for Mayor of NYC. Nixon spoke out against her at -- Following the public furore over her comments, Nixon clarified that her “bisexuality isn’t a choice,” but her relationship with a woman is. Fair enough. Nixon’s campaign has again opened her sexual identity up to scrutiny, criticism, and erasure – she is not a lesbian, Christine -- culture. To be queer is to examine all the areas of sexuality that aren’t clearly modelled for you in a heteronormative world. It means discovery, inventiveness, and a deeper understanding of the self.