Training and consultancy: learning disability Sexuality, sex, relationships and learning disability FPA trainers are experienced in working with a range of people with -- We can provide you with expert support to: * develop a sexuality and relationships policy for your organisation * provide sessions for parents to help them gain skills and confidence in dealing with issues of sex, sexuality and relationships with their children * commission staff training to help your staff feel more confident -- need. Developing a sexuality and relationships policy with guidelines Experienced FPA trainers can work with nominated individuals to develop a sexuality and relationships policy suitable for your organisation. Such policies, with accompanying guidelines, are essential to help your staff know the boundaries of the work they will carry out and to give them guidance about how to respond to different situations concerning clients’ sexuality needs. Such policies are also essential for clients and service users so that -- Experienced FPA trainers can provide a one-day session to help them gain skills and confidence in dealing with issues of sex, sexuality and relationships and helping their children stay safe. Typically, a session will include: * helping parents and carers develop strategies to communicate with their children concerning relationships, sex and sexuality * evaluating resources suitable for working with their children at home * examining some of the legislation relating to sexuality and learning disability * considering how their values and beliefs impact on how they