parker2 PR Anyone can be an honorary geek for the night Soon people showed up expecting mathematics. But it had to be -- Matt will perform at London’s Soho Theatre March 7 to 16 People are demanding geek entertainment. They want to be able to scratch their brain while having their ribs tickled. With fellow nerd stand-ups Helen Arney and Steve Mould we have toured the UK several -- I think a huge part of it is because we live so much of our lives online these days. The internet has made it so nerds, geeks and miscellaneous boffins of all flavours can find each other. Which is why calculator unboxing videos are now a thing: there is an online community of geeks who demand to be entertained. And we try to sweep everyone else up with us. -- Like a Rubik’s cube made of jokes we think we’ve solved it, so anyone can be an honorary geek for the night. So if you think you were cheated out of connecting with your inner-geek by a boring school experience check out the wealth of YouTube videos exploring the whole range of fascinating maths and science (if you have a reluctant teenager of your own you may even pick up a few tricks to wow them). And you can even go full-geek and come along to one of our nerdapolooza shows. Just keep an eye out for the people wearing Calculator Appreciation Society T-shirts. And that’s not a joke.