Deadpool Deadpool's success accelerates the inevitable: total geek domination Ryan Reynolds’s sexually-fluid superhero is set to clean up at the -- guaranteed. But Deadpool doesn’t just offer up a hero it thinks the fanbase will love, it offers up an entire world. It is one of the best articulations of “geek culture” to reach the big screen. And if it can pull off big numbers at the cinema with an exclusively adult audience, it will presage not only more movies like it but bring geeks one step closer to what they truly want; control of the entire world. -- Read more Here are a few of the ways in which Deadpool mirrors geek taste. Its hero is a young white male who’s also the ultimate outsider. It’s built on layer upon layer of cultural reference, where the fun comes not from -- Basically Deadpool is Reddit: the movie. It’s highly enjoyable, and very well made, but it’s also a marker, a moment where a massive multi-million dollar bet has been made on geek culture being not only a mainstream proposition but an adult one too. I’m not saying it’s bad for that. Even if I did despair for our common humanity, it’s delivered -- willingness to feel the burn will get you. If the box office predictions prove correct and Deadpool is just a sign of things to come, I for one welcome our geek overlords. Topics