Select Page Comic Cons, Geek Culture and the Mission of Christ Apr 1, 2019 -- people attended one of the three Penny Arcade Expos located in Seattle, Boston, and San Antonio. These are just a small sampling. There are literally hundreds of “nerd” or “geek” conventions, and these terms are no longer pejorative. -- over.^3 Sci-fi, superhero, and fantasy are among the most widely loved and successful film genres. And yet, the church’s default reaction to geek culture in recent history has ranged somewhere between guarded skepticism and ignorance. -- spiritual health.^5 It has been documented, however, that playing video games in moderation relieves stress, improves brain function, and boosts creativity.^6 While video games and geek culture certainly contain their share of graphic violence, sexual objectification, and addictive qualities, much good can be found in these mediums as well.^7 -- reflect simultaneously God’s goodness, truth, and beauty as well as humanity’s sinful excesses.^8 Our affection for goodness, truth, and beauty should compel us to investigate geek culture with careful discernment. However, the ultimate reason we should care about Comic Cons is much simpler. I am convinced that, given the opportunity, Jesus -- A Massive Neglected Mission Field. Most Christians probably don’t think of the people at Comic Cons as their enemies, but when we default to ignoring or looking derisively on geeks and geek culture, something is amiss. Chris Gwaltney, director of Gamechurch, a nonprofit ministry dedicated to bridging the gap between the gospel and the gamer, -- year, Gamechurch raises up missionaries to attend thirteen to fourteen conventions across the country. Each year, the missionaries pass out more than 30,000 Gamer Bibles and point thousands of geeks to the hope that is found in Christ. -- as missionaries, where they pointed countless people to Christ. Gamechurch is not the only Christian organization that attends geek culture events. It’s not uncommon to find professing Christians outside conventions condemning people for their hobbies. Recently at Dragon Con -- collectors” (Luke 7:34), but we will be accused of associating too closely with people who don’t align with the cloistered values of many Christians. We are a nation of geeks and gamers. It’s time to count the cost and prayerfully consider what we, as Christians, are going to do about that.