#publisher [tr?id=277940005888823&ev=PageView&noscript=1] Geek.com » Feed Geek.com » Comments Feed Geek.com » Why Bong Joon-Ho Might Be The Most Important Geek Filmmaker In The World Comments Feed alternate alternate IFRAME: //www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-5CSW7T -- Movies Why Bong Joon-Ho Might Be The Most Important Geek Filmmaker In The World By K. Thor Jensen 10.11.2019 :: 9:00AM EST 10.11.2019 -- before, but a survey of the career of Bong Joon-Ho backs up the assertion that he might be the single voice that is best poised to carry the torch of geek movies forward into the future. Come with us as we explore the life and themes of this unique, innovative creative force. -- up trapped in their pet issues, revisiting similar themes to diminishing results, he’s always poking into new worlds and new ideas. That imagination is at the very core of geek culture, and it’s something that’s lacking in so many big-budget, high-gravitas sci-fi films. -- Terms of use. GEEK subscribe to our newsletter: ____________________ signup -- © 1996-2019 Ziff Davis, LLC. PCMag Digital Group Geek.com is among the federally registered trademarks of Ziff Davis, LLC and may not be used by third parties without explicit permission.