Newbury Park High School » Feed Panther Prowler: the official newspaper of Newbury Park High School » Comments Feed Panther Prowler: the official newspaper of Newbury Park High School » Nerds and Geeks: Learn the difference Comments Feed alternate alternate -- ____________________ Home / Entertainment / Nerds and Geeks: Learn the difference Nerds and Geeks: Learn the difference By Alyssa Boedigheimer on May 21, 2015 -- Let’s get one thing straight: there is a distinctive difference between a nerd and a geek. Many people go about their day never giving a thought to this distinction that basically makes the universe go round, but this ignorance will one day place these people at the mercy of a nerd-that-they-thought-was-a-geek. So, in order for these ignorant people to avoid their unfortunate end, they should learn the difference early on. A geek is a person who is passionate about a game, show, or book/story. Keep in mind, a geek is not a fangirl/boy. A fangirl/boy is a person who is overly enthusiastic about a character, actor, etc. A geek, on the other hand, may by overly enthusiastic about something, but it is usually a wider spread than just a character. For example, a geek could be very enthusiastic about Harry Potter or Legend of Zelda. Geeks can have different levels of geekiness in different areas. Some people are only a little geeky about one thing, others are very geeky about a lot of things. This is called the “Geekometer.” Yes, I just made that up. A geek may also be very passionate about a certain topic, such as zombies or unicorns. A geek is very prone to get into arguments about which of these two fantastic creatures would win in a battle for world domination. -- A nerd could be very passionate about a subject such as art or music. A person is not necessarily defined into “geeks” and “nerds”. A person can just as easily be a combination of both of these areas, or they could be neither of these and just live on without being interested in