moment. I was talking to his dad the other night, just making small talk, he spends his Sunday's at my mother in laws house, they have been seperated 20 odd years. I asked was mother in law asking about the kids, he's said yeah, then somehow the convocation moved on to how she feels that we stop her from seeing the kids, I don't answer my phone and reply to texts. Which is simply not true. My mother in law has been the cause of so many problems, I am just now seeing how much, my husband mum and dad have hurt him. She left him when he was a teenager, just pissed off to live the life -- - she makes comparisons and obviously favours her grandchildren - she talks and talks and talks about herself her needs, her pain - we were talking about us moving in to my father in laws house she says, will (our boys) be sharing a room T and D shared a room until D was pushed out by (my father in law) she sees this as a reason why she left. -she doesn't respect boundries, pushes to get what he wants, wouldn't take no for an answer when she was told no you can't take our kids out, father in law kept pressurising us. This is so long and complicated, I can't explain very well, but I hope someone with experience can help me by telling me you recognise this -- this victim status, to please her. My son couldn't breath, I wasn't thinking about her fucking feelings about not being informed. I wa so fucking angry with my father in law, I hate being in this situation. My husband has emotionally abused me in the past, so it's all a it much to deal with, aim not the same person, the things he has done and said, -- All you can do is help yourself and in the short term that means getting a job and getting out. let you husband watch the children - or your parent's in law if they are so desperate. it should only be for a short while. Focus on getting out and stop focusing on their needs, it damages you. -- distraction. Do you have issues of your own, that have stopped you leaving him after past abuse? Your in laws sound a nightmare but they won't change, save your breath and energy for sorting this out for you and your kids. Add message | Report