show ad Want to get on with the mother-in-law? Make sure you stand up to her: Taking an assertive approach will persuade them you make an intended spouse happy * Study of 738 Greek-Cypriots identified best approaches to win over in-laws * The 'I am right for your child' tactic said to help persuade doubting parents * Study found worst strategy was to avoid dealing with the in-laws yourself * Discovered it may actually be easier to win over mothers than -- comments If your future mother-in-law thinks you’re not suitable for her darling son or daughter, don’t shower her with gifts and compliments – stand up to her instead. Scientists have found that the best way to win over future in-laws is to take an assertive approach and directly persuade them you will make your intended spouse happy. -- for your child’ approach – helped win over doubting fathers and mothers, a study found. Scientists have found that the best way to win over future in-laws is to take an assertive approach and directly persuade them you will make your intended spouse happy (file picture) Scientists have found that the best way to win over future in-laws is to take an assertive approach and directly persuade them you will make your intended spouse happy (file picture) Scientists have found that the best way to win over future in-laws is to take an assertive approach and directly persuade them you will make your intended spouse happy (file picture) -- The study of 738 Greek-Cypriots found seven approaches that were most likely to be used to win over in-laws ‘I am right for your child’: Show prospective parents-in-law how good they are as mates -- persuade their own parents of their lover’s virtues. The worst strategy was to avoid dealing with the in-laws yourself and instead to ask your sweetheart to lobby on your behalf. The researchers dubbed this tactic the ‘tell them I’m good’ method. And despite the traditional view of the judgmental mother-in-law, the study found that it may actually be easier to win over mothers than fathers. -- He added: ‘To avoid this situation, individuals engage in counter manipulation in order to change their prospective parents-in-law’s minds to accept them as mates for their children.’ -- The study of 738 Greek-Cypriots identified approaches that were most likely to be used to win over in-laws, which Professor Apostolou grouped into seven tactics. First was the ‘I am right for your child’ tactic, in which suitors demonstrate to the prospective parents-in-law how good they are as mates for their children. -- they demonstrate to their mate’s parents that they do not warrant their rejection. Despite the traditional view of the judgmental mother-in-law, the study found that it may actually be easier to win over mothers than fathers (file picture) Despite the traditional view of the judgmental mother-in-law, the study found that it may actually be easier to win over mothers than fathers (file picture) Despite the traditional view of the judgmental mother-in-law, the study found that it may actually be easier to win over mothers than fathers (file picture) -- There was also the ‘Approach’ strategy, in which lovers try to grow closer to the in-laws by inviting them for dinner and buying gifts. Finally there is the ‘Tell them I am good’ tactic in which the partner -- Share or comment on this article: Taking an assertive approach will persuade your mother-in-law you'll make your spouse happy