Other subjects ยป Parents in law problems - any advice ? Bit long im afraid. Start new thread in this topic | Watch this thread | Flip this thread | Refresh the display -- This is page 1 of 1 (This thread has 17 messages.) Parents in law problems - any advice ? Bit long im afraid. (17 Posts) -- Tillysmummy Wed 18-Jun-03 10:50:29 I am have written about my parents in law before and they are generally very helpful great people who are very kind and whom we see a lot. They come down at least once a week to see dd and often babysit if we ask. -- Because of this loss of safety awareness that seems to afflict many otherwise caring and careful people, I think that every parent has got to make their own assessment of whether their own parents or in-laws are appropriate, safe carers, and act according to that assessment. In practice, Tillysmummy, I agree with wickedwaterwitch's advice, and would go the gentle route, but would keep to a bare minimum the amount of time that your in-laws are left 'home alone'. Add message | Report griffy Wed 18-Jun-03 12:56:40 -- someone contradicts your hard work by using the road instead, potentially confusing your child. I too, don't want my in-laws looking after my DS. It hasn't come to it yet, but I am perfectly happy to be made to look a paranoid mother rather than cause friction between DH and his parents.