#Bay Area Relationship Center » Feed Bay Area Relationship Center » Comments Feed Bay Area Relationship Center » Why Are Relationships With In-Laws Sometimes So Painful? Comments Feed alternate alternate Skip to content -- * Contact Why Are Relationships With In-Laws Sometimes So Painful? April 2, 2015 A mother and her grown son Some relationships with in-laws are wonderful. When you’ve got a good relationship with your parents in law, you can feel as if you’ve gained another family. You are brought -- fondness. Some in-law relationships are very difficult. As couples therapists, we know that strife with in laws is a common issue that comes up in therapy. Problems with parents in law can come in many forms. Perhaps you feel that your parent in law is overly involved in your life, or conversely, you feel rejected by them. Perhaps you feel incompatible with your partner’s parents because their values are different from yours. -- family you came from, or that your partner doesn’t prioritize spending time with your parents as much as you’d like them to. It can help to understand why relationships with in-laws can bring up so much conflict and pain. Why are problems with your in-laws so painful? The in-law relationship can bring up vulnerabilities you have about belonging or feeling secure. Needing a sense of belonging and security is hard wired into all humans. As Sue Johnson, the creator of -- have that need met, we are more able to thrive and feel fulfilled. When our sense of belonging or security feels threatened, we feel distressed. A difficult in-law relationship can threaten these feelings easily because this is a family you didn’t grow up with. It’s easy to feel unsure about how you might belong. If you get a sense that your -- Posted in Couples Communication and tagged couples counseling San Francisco, mother-in-law, problems with in-law ← A Surprisingly Important Decision About Your RelationshipWhat