Home LifeStyle Educational Living in the Same House with the Parents-in-Law Living in the Same House with the Parents-in-Law By -- Mix Few are those who want to live with the parents-in-law. But the circumstances demand it most times. Young people still don’t have enough money, the rent is expensive, the possibility of buying an -- A long-term relationship and a very close couple may suffer from living under the same roof with in-laws … Who is to blame? The young couple or the elder one? -- learn to live together, they will create their own habits, they have desires and ideas for upgrading their home, and most times their way of seeing things is much different from that of in-laws. The differences in attitude are often the starting point of heated -- women’s role in a marriage, children and their growth are only some main issues that can lead to misunderstandings between the young couple and the parents-in-law. But these are the big issues. When it comes to daily quarrels and -- The question is the following: the conflict between the young and in-laws is based only on the difference in age or other issues? In-laws have created certain habits related to that house and life in general. Everything what is new scares them. They fear that they will lose the authority, that their opinions will go on the second plan and -- The situation can be difficult especially for a member of the couple. If it comes to boy’s mother, the daughter-in-law is seen as an intruder as her son will place her in the second plan. From here appears a kind of “jealousy” between mother and daughter-in-law. If it comes to mom’s daughter, the boy can be attributed a number of -- without reproaches and offending, because it already overcome some limits which only lead to even bigger conflicts. The path to the heart of your in-laws may be shorter than you think. Grab some patience and follow our plan. We have some pieces of advice for you to succeed in such a situation. -- Your partner’s parents have strengths and weaknesses, like everyone else. It is better to accept them how they are and don’t have always in mind preconceived ideas about the in-laws: that they are sour grapes, a nightmare and that you can not understand them. -- Do not look for reasons to argue When your mother-in-law tells you that your food is not as tasty as hers, or the father criticizes your husband, don’t act on first impulse. It is best to keep your temper and say what you have on your mind when you slow down. Sometimes, the in-laws might not realize that you are hurt by what they say and do. Tell them directly what you have to say In many couple-parents-in-law relationships, it happens that the messages from the in-law to the daughter-in-law or to be transmitted through life partner. Thus, there may be some misunderstandings and tensions, especially if your partner tends to approve his father. -- Be calm and smiling Anything your mother-in-law would say, be a diplomat and answer her with a smile. Nothing disarms more than a jovial face. Even if you are boiling inside, do not leave this to come out. Take a few steps, calm -- difficult for their son. So be diplomatic! If you have a more acidic reply, keep it for when you are alone. Otherwise, you risk not only arguing with him, but with the in-laws, too! Be a diplomat when you visit them The biggest fear for the in-law is that you will take away their baby from them. This is why you have to remove this fear from the start. Accompany your husband when he visits them and do not let them to -- If you have children, you can be sure that you grew up in the eyes of the in-laws. Nothing is more touching than a nephew and they will be grateful to you that you have given such a joy to them. You don’t have to be a possessive mother and keep away the grandparents from their -- IFRAME: https://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=https://www.worldoffemal e.com/living-in-the-same-house-with-the-parents-in-law/&layout=button_c ount&show_faces=false&width=105&action=like&colorscheme=light&height=21