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 Secondly, milk is mostly water. This was handy in a drought. Thirdly, milk is not usually contaminated with nasty bacteria. And finally, it contains some useful vitamin D as well as calcium. 
But milk also posed a big problem. Back then, only suckling babies and infants had the lactase enzyme in their small intestine needed to digest it. If adults tried to drink milk, their symptoms would include stomach discomfort, excessive farting, cramps and bloating. Lactose molecules in the colon can also draw in water from the bloodstream, leading to soft stools or even diarrhoea. [c67_Whyisitso_2.jpg?ixlib=rails-1.1.0&h=446&w=657] cosmos magazine Of course, in pre-lactose tolerant peoples, there would be a lot of natural variability in how well they could digest milk. Some adults would cope better than others. How well they coped would depend on how much lactose they consumed in one sitting, how efficient their natural gut bacteria were at breaking down lactose, and so on. For example, suppose that at the 
same time they drank milk, they 
also ate other foods. The stomach 
passes its contents on to the small 
intestine at about eight to 12 kilojoules per minute. Delayed by the other 
foods, the milk would pass into and
 through the small intestine more slowly, giving the bacteria more time to process it. Human ingenuity also played a part. We’ve been making cheese for at least 8,000 years. A chemical called “rennet” is found in the stomach of animals. By a wonderful coincidence, rennet turns milk into curds (solid) and whey (liquid). Process the curds and you have cheese. Many cultures have legends about how an ancestor used an inflated stomach to store milk – and accidentally invented cheese. Cheese has two advantages over milk for the lactose intolerant. It’s lower in lactose. And its higher fat content slows its transit time through the gut, making it easier to digest. Fermented cheeses such as cheddar and feta are quite low in lactose, while aged hard cheeses such as Parmesan have even less. Evolution eventually allowed our ancestors in Europe and Africa to make the enzyme lactase. This adaptation meant they could survive longer in bad times. Over the long-term lactose tolerant cattle-herders would have about 10 times more fertile descendants than those who could not make lactase after infancy. This useful mutation spread rapidly. Today, some 99% of Swedish and Dutch people are lactose tolerant – it drops down to 50% in Spanish, French and Arab populations, and to only a few per cent in China. Lactose intolerance is not black and white. In some cases, even though your DNA does not make lactase, the bacteria in your gut does. For example, lactose intolerant Somali people living in Ethiopia today can drink 500 millilitres of milk each day without any obvious discomfort. Today, some 40 million Americans are affected by lactose intolerance to some degree. Credit: Edited extract from House of Karls, Macmillan 2014 This article appeared in Cosmos 67 - Feb-Mar 2016 under the headline "Why are some people lactose intolerant?" (BUTTON) Share to (BUTTON) Send to (BUTTON) Toggle Dropdown Facebook Twitter Reddit Email link Print article Contrib drkarl.jpg?ixlib=rails 2.1 Karl Kruszelnicki is an author and science commentator. Looking for more science? Click here to see our subscription options. Looking for more science? Click here to see our gift options. Cosmos 85 front cover Share Tweet Popular Today More More Articles Latest Stories More More Articles Spina Parsely logo 1. Subscriptions 2. Back issues 3. Newsletter 1. Advertising 2. Submissions 3. Internships 1. Contact us 2. About us 3. FAQs 1. Terms of use 2. Privacy policy 3. Use of cookies Logged in as – My account – Log out Receive daily email updates from Cosmos ____________________ (BUTTON) Sign up