./dump-text/1-2.txt- + facts in pictures ./dump-text/1-2.txt- + publications ./dump-text/1-2.txt: + questions & answers ./dump-text/1-2.txt- ./dump-text/1-2.txt- * popular » ./dump-text/1-4.txt- ./dump-text/1-4.txt- the national audit office praised the government for the "enormous ./dump-text/1-4.txt: amount of work" that had been done but said there were still ./dump-text/1-4.txt- "significant" gaps. ./dump-text/1-4.txt- ./dump-text/1-5.txt- by nicole asher and staff ./dump-text/1-5.txt- the cfa captain in the small hamlet of wairewa is feeling guilty — his ./dump-text/1-5.txt: home was saved when fire went through, but 11 others were destroyed. ./dump-text/1-5.txt- locals like him have begun surveying the damage in parts of east ./dump-text/1-5.txt- gippsland, while others have already evacuated. -- ./dump-text/1-5.txt- in a year marred by tragedy both at home and abroad, it can be easy to ./dump-text/1-5.txt- think of the news cycle as little more than doom and gloom. but beneath ./dump-text/1-5.txt: the sombre headlines were stories of hope and optimism that are bound ./dump-text/1-5.txt- to have even the most pessimistic among us struggling to stifle a ./dump-text/1-5.txt- smile. ./dump-text/1-7.txt- bar graph displaying the most common health issues gps reported dealing ./dump-text/1-7.txt- with. ./dump-text/1-7.txt: gps were asked to list the three most common ailments they deal with. ./dump-text/1-7.txt- (health of the nation 2019) ./dump-text/1-7.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- with. ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-7.txt: gps were asked to list the three most common ailments they deal with. ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- health of the nation 2019 -- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- minutes — which we all know is not true." ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-7.txt: without longer subsidised consultations, dr nespolon said many gps were ./dump-text/1-7.txt- being forced to cram patients with complex needs into short ./dump-text/1-7.txt- appointments, charge patients for more time, or wear the out-of-pocket -- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- the health of the nation report found out-of-pocket costs to see the gp ./dump-text/1-7.txt: were rising, and for the first time, all areas outside major cities had ./dump-text/1-7.txt- seen a decline in bulk billing. ./dump-text/1-7.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- "medicare statistics indicate that 86.2 per cent of general practice ./dump-text/1-7.txt: services were bulk billed in 2018-19," the report states. ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- "while this figure provides an indication of total bulk-billed services -- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- since patients may receive a number of services during a single visit ./dump-text/1-7.txt- to a gp, with some services bulk billed and others not, the proportion ./dump-text/1-7.txt: of people who face zero out-of-pocket costs for care is much lower than ./dump-text/1-7.txt- the rate of services overall. ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-7.txt: "in 2016-17, while 86 per cent of gp services were bulk billed, ./dump-text/1-7.txt- nationally only 66 per cent of patients had all of their gp services ./dump-text/1-7.txt- bulk billed." -- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- professional ./dump-text/1-7.txt- * article victorian town in 'crisis mode' as doctor shortage looms ./dump-text/1-7.txt: * article greg hunt said fewer patients face costs to see a gp under ./dump-text/1-7.txt- the coalition. is he correct? ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-8.txt- 1. read about the freedom of information (foi) act and how to make a ./dump-text/1-8.txt- request. ./dump-text/1-8.txt: 2. check our previous releases to see if we’ve already answered your ./dump-text/1-8.txt- question. ./dump-text/1-8.txt- 3. make a new request by contacting us using the details below. -- ./dump-text/1-8.txt- don’t include personal or financial information like your national ./dump-text/1-8.txt- insurance number or credit card details. ./dump-text/1-8.txt: what were you doing? ____________________ ./dump-text/1-8.txt- what went wrong? ____________________ ./dump-text/1-8.txt- (button) send ./dump-text/1-9.txt- don’t include personal or financial information like your national ./dump-text/1-9.txt- insurance number or credit card details. ./dump-text/1-9.txt: what were you doing? ____________________ ./dump-text/1-9.txt- what went wrong? ____________________ ./dump-text/1-9.txt- (button) send ./dump-text/1-11.txt- some evidence also suggests that this food can boost metabolism (13). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt: in one study, almonds were shown to increase weight loss by 62%, ./dump-text/1-11.txt- compared with complex carbs (14). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and various other nutrients (22). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt: studies show that people who eat the most fish have a lower risk of ./dump-text/1-11.txt- several conditions, including heart disease, dementia, and depression ./dump-text/1-11.txt- (23, 24, 25). -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- light from entering your eyes in the evening. ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt: this allows melatonin to be produced as if it were completely dark, ./dump-text/1-11.txt- helping you sleep better (41). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- their benefits include improved bone health, increased strength, ./dump-text/1-11.txt: reduced symptoms of depression, and a lower risk of cancer. vitamin d ./dump-text/1-11.txt- may also help you live longer (43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- studies show that people who eat the most vegetables and fruits live ./dump-text/1-11.txt: longer and have a lower risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, ./dump-text/1-11.txt- obesity, and other illnesses (50, 51). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- high protein intake can boost metabolism significantly while making you ./dump-text/1-11.txt: feel full enough to automatically eat fewer calories. it can also ./dump-text/1-11.txt- reduce cravings and your desire to snack late at night (53, 54, 55, ./dump-text/1-11.txt- 56). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt: sufficient protein intake has also been shown to lower blood sugar and ./dump-text/1-11.txt- blood pressure levels (57, 58). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest vegetable oils. ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt: it’s loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and powerful ./dump-text/1-11.txt- antioxidants that can fight inflammation (62, 63, 64). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- extra virgin olive oil benefits heart health, as people who consume it ./dump-text/1-11.txt: have a much lower risk of dying from heart attacks and strokes (65, ./dump-text/1-11.txt- 66). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- while it’s true that saturated fat raises cholesterol levels, it also ./dump-text/1-11.txt- raises hdl (good) cholesterol and shrinks your ldl (bad) particles, ./dump-text/1-11.txt: which is linked to a lower risk of heart disease (78, 79, 80, 81). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- new studies in hundreds of thousands of people have questioned the -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- 93). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt: due to their powerful benefits, you should try to include as many herbs ./dump-text/1-11.txt- and spices as possible in your diet. ./dump-text/1-11.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- read more ./dump-text/1-11.txt- * healthy eating — a detailed guide for beginners ./dump-text/1-11.txt: written by rudy mawer, msc, cissn ./dump-text/1-11.txt- eating healthy can help you lose weight, have more energy and ./dump-text/1-11.txt- prevent many diseases. this article explains how to eat healthy. ./dump-text/1-12.txt- + podcasts ./dump-text/1-12.txt- + message boards ./dump-text/1-12.txt: + questions & answers ./dump-text/1-12.txt- + insurance guide ./dump-text/1-12.txt- + find a doctor -- ./dump-text/1-12.txt- * slideshows ./dump-text/1-12.txt- * videos ./dump-text/1-12.txt: * questions & answers ./dump-text/1-12.txt- * message board ./dump-text/1-12.txt- * find a psychologist -- ./dump-text/1-12.txt- ./dump-text/1-12.txt- montgomery exercises every day, often with her dog. by adding lunges, ./dump-text/1-12.txt: squats, and stairs to a walk, she turns it into a power workout. "i ./dump-text/1-12.txt- also am a huge pilates fan," she says. ./dump-text/1-12.txt- ./dump-text/1-12.txt-lose weight ./dump-text/1-12.txt- ./dump-text/1-12.txt: when you shed pounds you'll lower your risk of heart disease, type 2 ./dump-text/1-12.txt- diabetes, and cancer. ./dump-text/1-12.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-12.txt- * yoga: health benefits and safety tips ./dump-text/1-12.txt- * which massage is best for you? ./dump-text/1-12.txt: * the healing power of music ./dump-text/1-12.txt- ./dump-text/1-12.txt-today on webmd ./dump-text/1-13.txt- even if you feel perfectly well, without any symptoms and/or signs. ./dump-text/1-13.txt- early detection, followed by treatment and good control of the ./dump-text/1-13.txt: condition can result in better outcomes, and lowers the risk of serious ./dump-text/1-13.txt- complications. it is therefore important to get yourself screened even ./dump-text/1-13.txt- if you feel perfectly healthy. -- ./dump-text/1-13.txt- particular condition even if you feel perfectly well, without any ./dump-text/1-13.txt- symptoms and/or signs. early detection, followed by treatment and good ./dump-text/1-13.txt: control of the condition can result in better outcomes, and lowers the ./dump-text/1-13.txt- risk of serious complications. it is therefore important to get ./dump-text/1-13.txt- yourself screened even if you feel perfectly healthy.

3. what ./dump-text/1-14.txt- lifestyle changes are a very effective way to substantially reduce risk ./dump-text/1-14.txt- but to make those changes, you first need to know if you are at risk. ./dump-text/1-14.txt: knowledge gives you the power to take charge of your health. remember, ./dump-text/1-14.txt- your health is your greatest asset and early detection can save lives! ./dump-text/1-14.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-14.txt- ./dump-text/1-14.txt- © 2005 - 2020. all rights reserved by pathology & clinical laboratory ./dump-text/1-14.txt: (m) sdn. bhd. (37363-k). powered by orangesoft web design. sitemap ./dump-text/1-14.txt- [fb-icon.png] ./dump-text/1-16.txt- # disaster psychosocial services program ./dump-text/1-16.txt- o indigenous health ./dump-text/1-16.txt: o lower mainland pathology & laboratory medicine ./dump-text/1-16.txt- o mobile medical unit ./dump-text/1-16.txt- o perinatal services bc ./dump-text/1-19.txt- o genome ./dump-text/1-19.txt- o genome project ./dump-text/1-19.txt: o genome data viewer (gdv) ./dump-text/1-19.txt- o genome protmap ./dump-text/1-19.txt- o genome workbench -- ./dump-text/1-19.txt- * reference sequences ./dump-text/1-19.txt- * gene expression omnibus ./dump-text/1-19.txt: * genome data viewer ./dump-text/1-19.txt- * human genome ./dump-text/1-19.txt- * mouse genome ./dump-text/1-26.txt- * pricing in marketing november 20, 2019 ./dump-text/1-26.txt- ./dump-text/1-26.txt: powered by wordpress. designed by woothemes ./dump-text/1-26.txt- ./dump-text/1-26.txt- web analytics made easy - statcounter ./dump-text/1-28.txt- * accessibility ./dump-text/1-28.txt- * privacy policy ./dump-text/1-28.txt: * viewers & players ./dump-text/1-28.txt- ./dump-text/1-28.txt- * budget/performance ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- a total of 2350 older turkish migrants aged > 65 years residing in ./dump-text/1-29.txt: rotterdam, the netherlands were identified using the municipal register ./dump-text/1-29.txt- of which 680 respondents completed the questionnaires (response rate of ./dump-text/1-29.txt- 32%). -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- average age of the respondents was 72.90 (standard deviation 5.02) ./dump-text/1-29.txt: (range 66–95) years and about half of them were women (47.6%). the ./dump-text/1-29.txt- majority of respondents reported having a low education (80.3%), low ./dump-text/1-29.txt- income level (83.4%), is chronically ill (90.6%), overweight (86.5%) -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- physically active. looking at the health behaviours a weak positive ./dump-text/1-29.txt- relationship was found between eating enough vegetables and well-being ./dump-text/1-29.txt: (β = 0.14; p = 0.017). in addition, weak relationships were found ./dump-text/1-29.txt- between physical activity and depressive symptoms (β = −0.16; p = ./dump-text/1-29.txt- 0.007), smoking and depressive symptoms (β = 0.16; p = 0.009) and ./dump-text/1-29.txt- self-management abilities and physical health (β = 0.17; p = 0.015). ./dump-text/1-29.txt: strongest relationships were found between self-management abilities ./dump-text/1-29.txt- and depressive symptoms (β = −0.39; p < 0.001) and self-management ./dump-text/1-29.txt- abilities with overall well-being (β = 0.49; p < 0.001). -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- community-dwelling turkish people aged > 65 years in rotterdam, the ./dump-text/1-29.txt: netherlands, were identified using the municipal register and asked to ./dump-text/1-29.txt- participate between march 2015 and february 2016 (with a summer break, ./dump-text/1-29.txt- given that most of this population spends the summer in turkey). we ./dump-text/1-29.txt- asked respondents to fill in a questionnaire containing 153 questions ./dump-text/1-29.txt- in total (provided in the dutch as well as turkish language). these ./dump-text/1-29.txt: questionnaires were first distributed via post, followed by a postal ./dump-text/1-29.txt- reminder and finally a minimum of two home visit attempts (by ./dump-text/1-29.txt: interviewers speaking dutch as well as the turkish language). the ./dump-text/1-29.txt- personal interviews lasted about 60–90 min. an information leaflet was ./dump-text/1-29.txt- provided to respondents explaining the aim of the study with contact ./dump-text/1-29.txt- details (of dutch as well as turkish speaking research assistants) in ./dump-text/1-29.txt: case they had additional questions. no (financial) incentives were ./dump-text/1-29.txt- provided. ./dump-text/1-29.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- research involving human subjects act and thus did not require prior ./dump-text/1-29.txt- review by an accredited medical research and ethics committee or the ./dump-text/1-29.txt: ccmo. all respondents were informed about the aims of the study, and ./dump-text/1-29.txt- assured that participation was anonymous and voluntary, prior to ./dump-text/1-29.txt- providing consent. -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- your activities?’ (stimulation). responses are given on a 4-point scale ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ranging from never (1) to always (4), with higher mean scores ./dump-text/1-29.txt: indicating greater well-being. total scores were calculated based on ./dump-text/1-29.txt- the mean scores for the five subscales. cronbach’s alpha of the spf-il ./dump-text/1-29.txt- based on the five subscales was 0.76, indicating good reliability. -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- we used the 7-item depression section of the hospital anxiety and ./dump-text/1-29.txt: depression scale to assess symptoms of depression.^21 all items were ./dump-text/1-29.txt- rated on a 4-point scale (0–3), with higher scores indicating greater ./dump-text/1-29.txt- depressive symptomatology. ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- self-management abilities related to the maintenance of overall ./dump-text/1-29.txt: well-being were measured using an adjusted version of the short ./dump-text/1-29.txt- (18-item) version of the self-management ability scale (smas-s).^22 ./dump-text/1-29.txt- this instrument assesses a broad repertoire of self-management -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- physical activity was assessed by asking respondents how many days per ./dump-text/1-29.txt: week they were physically active (e.g. sport activities, exercise, ./dump-text/1-29.txt- housecleaning, work in the garden) for at least 30 min. government ./dump-text/1-29.txt- agencies use this measure to monitor physical activity in the dutch -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- self-reported current smoking was assessed with a yes/no question. ./dump-text/1-29.txt: consumption of fruits and consumption of vegetables were assessed ./dump-text/1-29.txt- separately as indicators of healthy dietary behaviours, measured in ./dump-text/1-29.txt- servings per day. the world health organization and the dutch -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- consumption of <200 g of vegetables per day).^25 ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt: respondents were asked to report the highest educational level ./dump-text/1-29.txt- completed in the netherlands or abroad, with the option to select ‘no ./dump-text/1-29.txt- schooling’ or to write in another response for unlisted forms of -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- high (€1350 or more). ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt: respondents were asked to indicate whether they were married, divorced, ./dump-text/1-29.txt- widowed, single, or cohabitating. a dichotomous variable was created: ./dump-text/1-29.txt- divorced, single and widowed; and married. -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- the questionnaire also solicited information on respondents’ age, ./dump-text/1-29.txt- gender and number of chronic conditions experienced in the past 12 ./dump-text/1-29.txt: months. respondents were provided with a list of 14 chronic conditions ./dump-text/1-29.txt- (e.g. lung diseases, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes) and space to ./dump-text/1-29.txt: write in other conditions. only conditions that were classified as ./dump-text/1-29.txt: chronic by o'halloran et al.^26 were included. ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt-analyses ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt: the characteristics of the study sample were examined using descriptive ./dump-text/1-29.txt- statistics. bivariate associations of variables expressing background ./dump-text/1-29.txt- characteristics, health behaviours and self-management abilities with ./dump-text/1-29.txt- those reflecting physical health, depressive symptoms and well-being ./dump-text/1-29.txt: were examined. regression analyses were then performed to identify ./dump-text/1-29.txt- relationships of health behaviours, self-management abilities, and ./dump-text/1-29.txt- physical health with depressive symptoms and well-being while -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt-results ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt: of, 2350 older turkish immigrants asked to participate, 213 were ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ineligible due to change of address (n = 110), serious medical issue or ./dump-text/1-29.txt- death (n = 102) or non-turkish ethnic background (n = 1). a total of -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- table 1 displays descriptive statistics for the older turkish immigrant ./dump-text/1-29.txt- population. the average age of the 680 respondents was 72.90 [standard ./dump-text/1-29.txt: deviation (sd) 5.02; range 66–95] years, and 47.6% of them were women. ./dump-text/1-29.txt- the majority of respondents reported having low education (80.3%) and ./dump-text/1-29.txt- low income (83.4%) levels. the mean number of chronic diseases was 2.68 ./dump-text/1-29.txt: (sd 1.87; range 0–10). most (90.6%) respondents were chronically ill, ./dump-text/1-29.txt- and 69.4% had more than one chronic disease. according to their ./dump-text/1-29.txt: self-reported body mass indices, 86.5% of respondents were overweight ./dump-text/1-29.txt: and 46.0% were obese. more than half of respondents had sufficient ./dump-text/1-29.txt- weekly fruit (58.2%) and vegetable (55.3%) consumption. about one-third ./dump-text/1-29.txt- (33.5%) of respondents smoked and 43.0% could be considered to be -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- table 2 displays the results of the bivariate analyses. single marital ./dump-text/1-29.txt: status and low educational level were associated positively with ./dump-text/1-29.txt- depressive symptoms and negatively with well-being. the number of ./dump-text/1-29.txt- chronic conditions was associated negatively with physical health and -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- depressive symptoms (r = –0.28, p < 0.001). smoking was related ./dump-text/1-29.txt- positively to depressive symptoms (r = 0.16, p < 0.001). ./dump-text/1-29.txt: self-management abilities were related positively to physical health (r ./dump-text/1-29.txt- = 0.12, p < 0.05) and well-being (r = 0.54, p < 0.001) and negatively ./dump-text/1-29.txt- to depressive symptoms (r = –0.53, p < 0.001). -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- < 0.001). among health behaviours, a weak positive relationship was ./dump-text/1-29.txt- found between sufficient vegetable consumption and well-being (β = ./dump-text/1-29.txt: 0.14, p = 0.017). in addition, weak relationships were found between ./dump-text/1-29.txt- physical activity and depressive symptoms (β = –0.16, p = 0.007), ./dump-text/1-29.txt- smoking and depressive symptoms (β = 0.16, p = 0.009), and ./dump-text/1-29.txt- self-management abilities and physical health (β = 0.17, p = 0.015). ./dump-text/1-29.txt: the strongest relationships were found between self-management ./dump-text/1-29.txt- abilities and depressive symptoms (β = –0.39, p < 0.001) and overall ./dump-text/1-29.txt- well-being (β = 0.49, p < 0.001). -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- physical health, depressive symptoms and well-being among older turkish ./dump-text/1-29.txt- immigrants residing in rotterdam, the netherlands. chronic diseases, ./dump-text/1-29.txt: overweight and obesity were highly prevalent among respondents. during ./dump-text/1-29.txt- the same period in which this study was conducted (2015/2016), a much ./dump-text/1-29.txt- smaller percentage of the general dutch population aged ≥ 65 years was ./dump-text/1-29.txt- overweight compared with our turkish sample (60% vs. 86.5%); the ./dump-text/1-29.txt- prevalence of obesity differed to a lesser degree (42% vs. 46%).^27 in ./dump-text/1-29.txt: addition, a larger percentage of turkish elders were chronically ill ./dump-text/1-29.txt- compared with the general dutch population aged ≥ 65 years (90.6% vs. ./dump-text/1-29.txt- 79.9%).^28 the prevalence of chronic diseases is known to be higher ./dump-text/1-29.txt: among those with lower educational levels,^29 which could explain this ./dump-text/1-29.txt- finding, as 80.3% of older turkish immigrants participating in this ./dump-text/1-29.txt: study were less educated. ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- with increasing numbers of chronic diseases, older immigrants had worse -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- relationships between the outcome variables and physical activity, ./dump-text/1-29.txt- sufficient vegetable consumption and smoking, and the latter two health ./dump-text/1-29.txt: behaviours were not associated with all outcome variables. a smaller ./dump-text/1-29.txt- percentage of older immigrants met the norm for physical activity ./dump-text/1-29.txt- compared with the general older population in the netherlands (43% vs. -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- percentage of smoking in the netherlands is highest in the turkish ./dump-text/1-29.txt- population, especially among turkish men.^32^,^33 regarding dietary ./dump-text/1-29.txt: behaviour, older turkish respondents were healthier than the older ./dump-text/1-29.txt- general population in the netherlands in 2015/2016 in terms of ./dump-text/1-29.txt- sufficient fruit (58.2% vs. 43%) and vegetable (55.3% vs. 30%) -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- activity interventions. ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt: the strongest relationships were found between broader self-management ./dump-text/1-29.txt- abilities and the outcome variables, especially depressive symptoms and ./dump-text/1-29.txt- overall well-being. these findings are important, given that these -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- analyses. no significant difference in gender was found between ./dump-text/1-29.txt- respondents and non-respondents. the mean age of these groups, however, ./dump-text/1-29.txt: differed significantly; on average, respondents were younger than ./dump-text/1-29.txt- non-respondents [72.11 (sd = 5.10) vs. 72.73 (sd = 5.00), ./dump-text/1-29.txt- respectively]. educational level of our sample is comparable to other ./dump-text/1-29.txt- studies showing that ∼80% of turkish older migrants only completed ./dump-text/1-29.txt: elementary school or less.^40 second, the data collected were ./dump-text/1-29.txt- cross-sectional, preventing determination of causality. third, although ./dump-text/1-29.txt- this study showed that self-management abilities are important for -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- health behaviours, broader self-management abilities related to the ./dump-text/1-29.txt- maintenance of overall well-being are important for older turkish ./dump-text/1-29.txt: people. while only weak relationships were found with health ./dump-text/1-29.txt: behaviours, strong relationships were found with broader ./dump-text/1-29.txt- self-management abilities, depressive symptoms and well-being. in terms ./dump-text/1-29.txt- of health behaviours, older turkish people are expected to benefit most -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- g2, g3, g4&vw=t, 2017 (27 june 2017, date last accessed). ./dump-text/1-29.txt- 28. nivel, zorgregistraties eerste lijn, 2016. available at: ./dump-text/1-29.txt: https://www.volksgezondheidenzorg.info/onderwerp/chronische-ziekten-en- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- multimorbiditeit/cijfers-context/prevalentie#node-prevalentie-chronisch ./dump-text/1-29.txt- e-ziekte-naar-leeftijd-en-geslacht (27 june 2017, date last accessed). ./dump-text/1-30.txt- ./dump-text/1-30.txt- being more active can help you: ./dump-text/1-30.txt: * lower your blood pressure ./dump-text/1-30.txt- * boost your levels of good cholesterol ./dump-text/1-30.txt- * improve blood flow (circulation) -- ./dump-text/1-30.txt- * prevent bone loss that can lead to osteoporosis ./dump-text/1-30.txt- ./dump-text/1-30.txt: all of this can add up to fewer medical expenses, interventions and ./dump-text/1-30.txt- medications later in life! ./dump-text/1-30.txt- ./dump-text/1-31.txt- smoking-related illness. the national cost of offering the national ./dump-text/1-31.txt- diabetes prevention program is about $500 per participant, ./dump-text/1-31.txt: significantly lower than the $7,900 spent on diabetes care per type 2 ./dump-text/1-31.txt- diabetes patient each year. ./dump-text/1-31.txt- importanceofhealtheducationbody4 a growing field ./dump-text/1-32.txt- mental and physical health are the two types of health most frequently ./dump-text/1-32.txt- discussed. we also talk about, among others, "spiritual health," ./dump-text/1-32.txt: "emotional health" and "financial health." they were also linked to ./dump-text/1-32.txt: lower levels of stress and mental and physical well- being. ./dump-text/1-32.txt- ./dump-text/1-32.txt-physical health -- ./dump-text/1-32.txt- good health, good education, a well- paid job, and if their health is ./dump-text/1-32.txt- threatened, good health care will be available. ./dump-text/1-32.txt: people with a lower socio- economic status are more likely to ./dump-text/1-32.txt- experience stresses related to daily life, such as financial ./dump-text/1-32.txt- difficulties, marital disruption and unemployment, as well as social ./dump-text/1-33.txt- * experiences ./dump-text/1-33.txt- + all experiences ./dump-text/1-33.txt: + unleash the power within ./dump-text/1-33.txt- o upw – san jose, ca ./dump-text/1-33.txt- o upw – birmingham, uk -- ./dump-text/1-33.txt- * experiences ./dump-text/1-33.txt- + all experiences ./dump-text/1-33.txt: + unleash the power within ./dump-text/1-33.txt- o upw – san jose, ca ./dump-text/1-33.txt- o upw – birmingham, uk -- ./dump-text/1-33.txt- mentally clear without compromising your health or your time. ./dump-text/1-33.txt- ./dump-text/1-33.txt: tony robbins has developed a new line of health products that were ./dump-text/1-33.txt- specially formulated to keep you in peak health. featuring nine new ./dump-text/1-33.txt- physician-grade products, the line includes products ranging from -- ./dump-text/1-33.txt- lifestyle, the vital energy formula is designed to eliminate fatigue so ./dump-text/1-33.txt- you can reach your peak state. this peak performance pack contains ./dump-text/1-33.txt: bioenergy greens, immunoboost-c, adrenal power and neuroboost-b12 to ./dump-text/1-33.txt- help you create and sustain maximum levels of energy. this potent ./dump-text/1-33.txt- combination of natural energy boosters enables you to prevent illness, -- ./dump-text/1-33.txt- loss formula contains the natural energy boosters to get you there. ./dump-text/1-33.txt- available in chocolate and vanilla, these custom weight loss ./dump-text/1-33.txt: formulations were designed to help you hit your weight loss goals in ./dump-text/1-33.txt- just two weeks. as delicious as it is effective, the shake formulation ./dump-text/1-33.txt- was designed to keep you feeling full while giving your metabolism a -- ./dump-text/1-33.txt- outstanding results.” – tony robbins ./dump-text/1-33.txt- ./dump-text/1-33.txt: what could you accomplish if you were living in peak health? would you ./dump-text/1-33.txt- be a better family member and friend to your loved ones? would you ./dump-text/1-33.txt- break down more barriers at work? would you be able to give more back -- ./dump-text/1-33.txt- commit to learning how to get energy naturally. ./dump-text/1-33.txt- ./dump-text/1-33.txt: the new products in tony robbins’ health line were designed to help you ./dump-text/1-33.txt- feel your best. when you feel your best, you perform better in all ./dump-text/1-33.txt- areas of your life. why wait to make a lasting change? buy from the new ./dump-text/1-35.txt- * support center ./dump-text/1-35.txt- ./dump-text/1-35.txt: * reviewers ./dump-text/1-35.txt: * log in as reviewer ./dump-text/1-35.txt: * reviewer recognition ./dump-text/1-35.txt- * support center ./dump-text/1-35.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-35.txt- + authors ./dump-text/1-35.txt- + editors ./dump-text/1-35.txt: + reviewers ./dump-text/1-35.txt- + librarians ./dump-text/1-35.txt- * shop & discover ./dump-text/1-38.txt- health behavior behavioral health behavioral medicine illness ./dump-text/1-38.txt- behavior sociocultural perspective ./dump-text/1-38.txt: these keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. this ./dump-text/1-38.txt- process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning ./dump-text/1-38.txt- algorithm improves. ./dump-text/1-41.txt- mental and physical health are the two most commonly discussed types of ./dump-text/1-41.txt- health. we also talk about "spiritual health," "emotional health," and ./dump-text/1-41.txt: "financial health," among others. these have also been linked to lower ./dump-text/1-41.txt- stress levels and mental and physical wellbeing. ./dump-text/1-41.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-41.txt- well-paid job, afford good healthcare when their health is threatened. ./dump-text/1-41.txt- ./dump-text/1-41.txt: people with a lower socioeconomic status are more likely to experience ./dump-text/1-41.txt- stresses related to daily living, such as financial difficulties, ./dump-text/1-41.txt- marital disruption, and unemployment, as well as social factors, such ./dump-text/1-42.txt- force on april 7, 1948, defined health “as a state of complete ./dump-text/1-42.txt- physical, mental and social well-being.” the writers of the ./dump-text/1-42.txt: constitution were clearly aware of the tendency of seeing health as a ./dump-text/1-42.txt- state dependent on the presence or absence of diseases: so they added ./dump-text/1-42.txt- to that definition that an individual, if he is to be considered -- ./dump-text/1-42.txt- ./dump-text/1-42.txt- the huge challenges that face societies aiming to improve the health of ./dump-text/1-42.txt: their citizens will not be appropriately answered if we do not change ./dump-text/1-42.txt- the paradigms of health and disease and design strategies for future ./dump-text/1-42.txt- work using these new paradigms. their formulation and acceptance is a ./dump-text/1-46.txt- 2007-2016, the pregnancy-related mortality ratio increased from 15 to ./dump-text/1-46.txt- 17 pregnancy-related deaths per 100,000 births and that black, american ./dump-text/1-46.txt: indian and alaska native women were two to three times more likely to ./dump-text/1-46.txt- die from pregnancy-related causes than white women, and this disparity ./dump-text/1-46.txt- increases with age. the report also noted that racial and ethnic ./dump-text/1-47.txt- * how poverty ./dump-text/1-47.txt- is created ./dump-text/1-47.txt: + power & politics ./dump-text/1-47.txt- + health systems ./dump-text/1-47.txt- + women & girls -- ./dump-text/1-47.txt- * how poverty ./dump-text/1-47.txt- is created [ ] expand dropdown ./dump-text/1-47.txt: + power & politics [ ] expand dropdown ./dump-text/1-47.txt- o drug policy ./dump-text/1-47.txt- o from colonialism to neoliberalism -- ./dump-text/1-47.txt- + campaign issues [ ] expand dropdown ./dump-text/1-47.txt- o a 21st century approach to drugs ./dump-text/1-47.txt: o the power of language ./dump-text/1-47.txt- + policy reports ./dump-text/1-47.txt- * take action -- ./dump-text/1-47.txt- + campaign ./dump-text/1-47.txt- + community & events [ ] expand dropdown ./dump-text/1-47.txt: o host a baby shower ./dump-text/1-47.txt- o curry for change ./dump-text/1-47.txt- o virgin money london marathon 2020 -- ./dump-text/1-47.txt-in this section ./dump-text/1-47.txt- ./dump-text/1-47.txt: * power & politics ./dump-text/1-47.txt- * health systems ./dump-text/1-47.txt- * women & girls -- ./dump-text/1-47.txt- ./dump-text/1-47.txt- iframe: gform_ajax_frame_1 ./dump-text/1-47.txt: this iframe contains the logic required to handle ajax powered gravity ./dump-text/1-47.txt- forms. ./dump-text/1-47.txt- ./dump-text/1-48.txt- collapsed or are inadequate, emergency obstetrical needs are among the ./dump-text/1-48.txt- major needs we see. over the period of 2008-15, 56 percent of all ./dump-text/1-48.txt: caesarean sections we performed were in active conflict settings. for ./dump-text/1-48.txt- this reason, rapid implementation of emergency maternal care is now ./dump-text/1-48.txt- incorporated into our response to these crises. ./dump-text/1-49.txt- ./dump-text/1-49.txt- a review, published by the independent commission for aid impact (icai) ./dump-text/1-49.txt: on tuesday, also said the number of lives saved “were significantly ./dump-text/1-49.txt- below what they could have been, given the level of investment”. ./dump-text/1-49.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-49.txt- between 2011 and 2015. within this, £1.3bn focused more closely on ./dump-text/1-49.txt- maternal health, including family planning, reproductive healthcare and ./dump-text/1-49.txt: maternal and neonatal health. but icai said investments were focused on ./dump-text/1-49.txt- short-term goals, and did not do enough to strengthen healthcare ./dump-text/1-49.txt- systems or target marginalised women or teenage girls. -- ./dump-text/1-49.txt- girls aged between 15 and 19 years. but icai found that few programmes ./dump-text/1-49.txt- included specific measures to reach these groups, nor did the ./dump-text/1-49.txt: department monitor whether its programmes were reaching teenage girls. ./dump-text/1-49.txt- ./dump-text/1-49.txt- it also failed to include measures that would tackle discrimination and -- ./dump-text/1-49.txt- ./dump-text/1-49.txt- while uk aid had improved access to family planning for millions of ./dump-text/1-49.txt: women, in malawi such programmes were delivered through non-state ./dump-text/1-49.txt- providers. such partnerships allowed funding to quickly reach large ./dump-text/1-49.txt- numbers of people, but risked displacing public sector services, said ./dump-text/1-55.txt- + podcasts ./dump-text/1-55.txt- + message boards ./dump-text/1-55.txt: + questions & answers ./dump-text/1-55.txt- + insurance guide ./dump-text/1-55.txt- + find a doctor -- ./dump-text/1-55.txt- * slideshows ./dump-text/1-55.txt- * videos ./dump-text/1-55.txt: * questions & answers ./dump-text/1-55.txt- * message board ./dump-text/1-55.txt- * find a psychiatrist ./dump-text/1-56.txt-footer-2-menu ./dump-text/1-56.txt- ./dump-text/1-56.txt: * viewers & players ./dump-text/1-56.txt- * foia ./dump-text/1-56.txt- * whitehouse.gov ./dump-text/1-57.txt-footer-2-menu ./dump-text/1-57.txt- ./dump-text/1-57.txt: * viewers & players ./dump-text/1-57.txt- * foia ./dump-text/1-57.txt- * whitehouse.gov ./dump-text/1-58.txt- + facts in pictures ./dump-text/1-58.txt- + publications ./dump-text/1-58.txt: + questions & answers ./dump-text/1-58.txt- ./dump-text/1-58.txt- * popular » ./dump-text/1-59.txt- when they lose touch with reality. people affected may hear voices, see ./dump-text/1-59.txt- things no one else sees, hold unusual or irrational beliefs, feel ./dump-text/1-59.txt: unrealistically powerful, or read particular meanings into everyday ./dump-text/1-59.txt- events. ./dump-text/1-59.txt- ./dump-text/1-60.txt- it is hard, bordering on impossible, to accurately diagnose yourself ./dump-text/1-60.txt- for mental disorders with an online questionnaire. you do not have an ./dump-text/1-60.txt: objective view of yourself and are bound to answer questions ./dump-text/1-60.txt- inaccurately. also, online tests are not comprehensive, so they do not ./dump-text/1-60.txt- check for all possible symptoms. only a face-to-face session with a -- ./dump-text/1-60.txt- ./dump-text/1-60.txt- calls to any general helpline (non-facility specific 1-8xx numbers) for ./dump-text/1-60.txt: your visit will be answered by american addiction centers (aac). ./dump-text/1-60.txt- ./dump-text/1-60.txt- we are standing by 24/7 to discuss your treatment options. our ./dump-text/1-2.txt- + facts in pictures ./dump-text/1-2.txt- + publications ./dump-text/1-2.txt: + questions & answers ./dump-text/1-2.txt- ./dump-text/1-2.txt- * popular » ./dump-text/1-4.txt- ./dump-text/1-4.txt- the national audit office praised the government for the "enormous ./dump-text/1-4.txt: amount of work" that had been done but said there were still ./dump-text/1-4.txt- "significant" gaps. ./dump-text/1-4.txt- ./dump-text/1-5.txt- by nicole asher and staff ./dump-text/1-5.txt- the cfa captain in the small hamlet of wairewa is feeling guilty — his ./dump-text/1-5.txt: home was saved when fire went through, but 11 others were destroyed. ./dump-text/1-5.txt- locals like him have begun surveying the damage in parts of east ./dump-text/1-5.txt- gippsland, while others have already evacuated. -- ./dump-text/1-5.txt- in a year marred by tragedy both at home and abroad, it can be easy to ./dump-text/1-5.txt- think of the news cycle as little more than doom and gloom. but beneath ./dump-text/1-5.txt: the sombre headlines were stories of hope and optimism that are bound ./dump-text/1-5.txt- to have even the most pessimistic among us struggling to stifle a ./dump-text/1-5.txt- smile. ./dump-text/1-7.txt- bar graph displaying the most common health issues gps reported dealing ./dump-text/1-7.txt- with. ./dump-text/1-7.txt: gps were asked to list the three most common ailments they deal with. ./dump-text/1-7.txt- (health of the nation 2019) ./dump-text/1-7.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- with. ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-7.txt: gps were asked to list the three most common ailments they deal with. ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- health of the nation 2019 -- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- minutes — which we all know is not true." ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-7.txt: without longer subsidised consultations, dr nespolon said many gps were ./dump-text/1-7.txt- being forced to cram patients with complex needs into short ./dump-text/1-7.txt- appointments, charge patients for more time, or wear the out-of-pocket -- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- the health of the nation report found out-of-pocket costs to see the gp ./dump-text/1-7.txt: were rising, and for the first time, all areas outside major cities had ./dump-text/1-7.txt- seen a decline in bulk billing. ./dump-text/1-7.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- "medicare statistics indicate that 86.2 per cent of general practice ./dump-text/1-7.txt: services were bulk billed in 2018-19," the report states. ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- "while this figure provides an indication of total bulk-billed services -- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- since patients may receive a number of services during a single visit ./dump-text/1-7.txt- to a gp, with some services bulk billed and others not, the proportion ./dump-text/1-7.txt: of people who face zero out-of-pocket costs for care is much lower than ./dump-text/1-7.txt- the rate of services overall. ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-7.txt: "in 2016-17, while 86 per cent of gp services were bulk billed, ./dump-text/1-7.txt- nationally only 66 per cent of patients had all of their gp services ./dump-text/1-7.txt- bulk billed." -- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- professional ./dump-text/1-7.txt- * article victorian town in 'crisis mode' as doctor shortage looms ./dump-text/1-7.txt: * article greg hunt said fewer patients face costs to see a gp under ./dump-text/1-7.txt- the coalition. is he correct? ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-8.txt- 1. read about the freedom of information (foi) act and how to make a ./dump-text/1-8.txt- request. ./dump-text/1-8.txt: 2. check our previous releases to see if we’ve already answered your ./dump-text/1-8.txt- question. ./dump-text/1-8.txt- 3. make a new request by contacting us using the details below. -- ./dump-text/1-8.txt- don’t include personal or financial information like your national ./dump-text/1-8.txt- insurance number or credit card details. ./dump-text/1-8.txt: what were you doing? ____________________ ./dump-text/1-8.txt- what went wrong? ____________________ ./dump-text/1-8.txt- (button) send ./dump-text/1-9.txt- don’t include personal or financial information like your national ./dump-text/1-9.txt- insurance number or credit card details. ./dump-text/1-9.txt: what were you doing? ____________________ ./dump-text/1-9.txt- what went wrong? ____________________ ./dump-text/1-9.txt- (button) send ./dump-text/1-11.txt- some evidence also suggests that this food can boost metabolism (13). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt: in one study, almonds were shown to increase weight loss by 62%, ./dump-text/1-11.txt- compared with complex carbs (14). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and various other nutrients (22). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt: studies show that people who eat the most fish have a lower risk of ./dump-text/1-11.txt- several conditions, including heart disease, dementia, and depression ./dump-text/1-11.txt- (23, 24, 25). -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- light from entering your eyes in the evening. ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt: this allows melatonin to be produced as if it were completely dark, ./dump-text/1-11.txt- helping you sleep better (41). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- their benefits include improved bone health, increased strength, ./dump-text/1-11.txt: reduced symptoms of depression, and a lower risk of cancer. vitamin d ./dump-text/1-11.txt- may also help you live longer (43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- studies show that people who eat the most vegetables and fruits live ./dump-text/1-11.txt: longer and have a lower risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, ./dump-text/1-11.txt- obesity, and other illnesses (50, 51). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- high protein intake can boost metabolism significantly while making you ./dump-text/1-11.txt: feel full enough to automatically eat fewer calories. it can also ./dump-text/1-11.txt- reduce cravings and your desire to snack late at night (53, 54, 55, ./dump-text/1-11.txt- 56). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt: sufficient protein intake has also been shown to lower blood sugar and ./dump-text/1-11.txt- blood pressure levels (57, 58). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest vegetable oils. ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt: it’s loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and powerful ./dump-text/1-11.txt- antioxidants that can fight inflammation (62, 63, 64). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- extra virgin olive oil benefits heart health, as people who consume it ./dump-text/1-11.txt: have a much lower risk of dying from heart attacks and strokes (65, ./dump-text/1-11.txt- 66). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- while it’s true that saturated fat raises cholesterol levels, it also ./dump-text/1-11.txt- raises hdl (good) cholesterol and shrinks your ldl (bad) particles, ./dump-text/1-11.txt: which is linked to a lower risk of heart disease (78, 79, 80, 81). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- new studies in hundreds of thousands of people have questioned the -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- 93). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt: due to their powerful benefits, you should try to include as many herbs ./dump-text/1-11.txt- and spices as possible in your diet. ./dump-text/1-11.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- read more ./dump-text/1-11.txt- * healthy eating — a detailed guide for beginners ./dump-text/1-11.txt: written by rudy mawer, msc, cissn ./dump-text/1-11.txt- eating healthy can help you lose weight, have more energy and ./dump-text/1-11.txt- prevent many diseases. this article explains how to eat healthy. ./dump-text/1-12.txt- + podcasts ./dump-text/1-12.txt- + message boards ./dump-text/1-12.txt: + questions & answers ./dump-text/1-12.txt- + insurance guide ./dump-text/1-12.txt- + find a doctor -- ./dump-text/1-12.txt- * slideshows ./dump-text/1-12.txt- * videos ./dump-text/1-12.txt: * questions & answers ./dump-text/1-12.txt- * message board ./dump-text/1-12.txt- * find a psychologist -- ./dump-text/1-12.txt- ./dump-text/1-12.txt- montgomery exercises every day, often with her dog. by adding lunges, ./dump-text/1-12.txt: squats, and stairs to a walk, she turns it into a power workout. "i ./dump-text/1-12.txt- also am a huge pilates fan," she says. ./dump-text/1-12.txt- ./dump-text/1-12.txt-lose weight ./dump-text/1-12.txt- ./dump-text/1-12.txt: when you shed pounds you'll lower your risk of heart disease, type 2 ./dump-text/1-12.txt- diabetes, and cancer. ./dump-text/1-12.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-12.txt- * yoga: health benefits and safety tips ./dump-text/1-12.txt- * which massage is best for you? ./dump-text/1-12.txt: * the healing power of music ./dump-text/1-12.txt- ./dump-text/1-12.txt-today on webmd ./dump-text/1-13.txt- even if you feel perfectly well, without any symptoms and/or signs. ./dump-text/1-13.txt- early detection, followed by treatment and good control of the ./dump-text/1-13.txt: condition can result in better outcomes, and lowers the risk of serious ./dump-text/1-13.txt- complications. it is therefore important to get yourself screened even ./dump-text/1-13.txt- if you feel perfectly healthy. -- ./dump-text/1-13.txt- particular condition even if you feel perfectly well, without any ./dump-text/1-13.txt- symptoms and/or signs. early detection, followed by treatment and good ./dump-text/1-13.txt: control of the condition can result in better outcomes, and lowers the ./dump-text/1-13.txt- risk of serious complications. it is therefore important to get ./dump-text/1-13.txt- yourself screened even if you feel perfectly healthy.

3. what ./dump-text/1-14.txt- lifestyle changes are a very effective way to substantially reduce risk ./dump-text/1-14.txt- but to make those changes, you first need to know if you are at risk. ./dump-text/1-14.txt: knowledge gives you the power to take charge of your health. remember, ./dump-text/1-14.txt- your health is your greatest asset and early detection can save lives! ./dump-text/1-14.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-14.txt- ./dump-text/1-14.txt- © 2005 - 2020. all rights reserved by pathology & clinical laboratory ./dump-text/1-14.txt: (m) sdn. bhd. (37363-k). powered by orangesoft web design. sitemap ./dump-text/1-14.txt- [fb-icon.png] ./dump-text/1-16.txt- # disaster psychosocial services program ./dump-text/1-16.txt- o indigenous health ./dump-text/1-16.txt: o lower mainland pathology & laboratory medicine ./dump-text/1-16.txt- o mobile medical unit ./dump-text/1-16.txt- o perinatal services bc ./dump-text/1-19.txt- o genome ./dump-text/1-19.txt- o genome project ./dump-text/1-19.txt: o genome data viewer (gdv) ./dump-text/1-19.txt- o genome protmap ./dump-text/1-19.txt- o genome workbench -- ./dump-text/1-19.txt- * reference sequences ./dump-text/1-19.txt- * gene expression omnibus ./dump-text/1-19.txt: * genome data viewer ./dump-text/1-19.txt- * human genome ./dump-text/1-19.txt- * mouse genome ./dump-text/1-26.txt- * pricing in marketing november 20, 2019 ./dump-text/1-26.txt- ./dump-text/1-26.txt: powered by wordpress. designed by woothemes ./dump-text/1-26.txt- ./dump-text/1-26.txt- web analytics made easy - statcounter ./dump-text/1-28.txt- * accessibility ./dump-text/1-28.txt- * privacy policy ./dump-text/1-28.txt: * viewers & players ./dump-text/1-28.txt- ./dump-text/1-28.txt- * budget/performance ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- a total of 2350 older turkish migrants aged > 65 years residing in ./dump-text/1-29.txt: rotterdam, the netherlands were identified using the municipal register ./dump-text/1-29.txt- of which 680 respondents completed the questionnaires (response rate of ./dump-text/1-29.txt- 32%). -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- average age of the respondents was 72.90 (standard deviation 5.02) ./dump-text/1-29.txt: (range 66–95) years and about half of them were women (47.6%). the ./dump-text/1-29.txt- majority of respondents reported having a low education (80.3%), low ./dump-text/1-29.txt- income level (83.4%), is chronically ill (90.6%), overweight (86.5%) -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- physically active. looking at the health behaviours a weak positive ./dump-text/1-29.txt- relationship was found between eating enough vegetables and well-being ./dump-text/1-29.txt: (β = 0.14; p = 0.017). in addition, weak relationships were found ./dump-text/1-29.txt- between physical activity and depressive symptoms (β = −0.16; p = ./dump-text/1-29.txt- 0.007), smoking and depressive symptoms (β = 0.16; p = 0.009) and ./dump-text/1-29.txt- self-management abilities and physical health (β = 0.17; p = 0.015). ./dump-text/1-29.txt: strongest relationships were found between self-management abilities ./dump-text/1-29.txt- and depressive symptoms (β = −0.39; p < 0.001) and self-management ./dump-text/1-29.txt- abilities with overall well-being (β = 0.49; p < 0.001). -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- community-dwelling turkish people aged > 65 years in rotterdam, the ./dump-text/1-29.txt: netherlands, were identified using the municipal register and asked to ./dump-text/1-29.txt- participate between march 2015 and february 2016 (with a summer break, ./dump-text/1-29.txt- given that most of this population spends the summer in turkey). we ./dump-text/1-29.txt- asked respondents to fill in a questionnaire containing 153 questions ./dump-text/1-29.txt- in total (provided in the dutch as well as turkish language). these ./dump-text/1-29.txt: questionnaires were first distributed via post, followed by a postal ./dump-text/1-29.txt- reminder and finally a minimum of two home visit attempts (by ./dump-text/1-29.txt: interviewers speaking dutch as well as the turkish language). the ./dump-text/1-29.txt- personal interviews lasted about 60–90 min. an information leaflet was ./dump-text/1-29.txt- provided to respondents explaining the aim of the study with contact ./dump-text/1-29.txt- details (of dutch as well as turkish speaking research assistants) in ./dump-text/1-29.txt: case they had additional questions. no (financial) incentives were ./dump-text/1-29.txt- provided. ./dump-text/1-29.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- research involving human subjects act and thus did not require prior ./dump-text/1-29.txt- review by an accredited medical research and ethics committee or the ./dump-text/1-29.txt: ccmo. all respondents were informed about the aims of the study, and ./dump-text/1-29.txt- assured that participation was anonymous and voluntary, prior to ./dump-text/1-29.txt- providing consent. -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- your activities?’ (stimulation). responses are given on a 4-point scale ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ranging from never (1) to always (4), with higher mean scores ./dump-text/1-29.txt: indicating greater well-being. total scores were calculated based on ./dump-text/1-29.txt- the mean scores for the five subscales. cronbach’s alpha of the spf-il ./dump-text/1-29.txt- based on the five subscales was 0.76, indicating good reliability. -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- we used the 7-item depression section of the hospital anxiety and ./dump-text/1-29.txt: depression scale to assess symptoms of depression.^21 all items were ./dump-text/1-29.txt- rated on a 4-point scale (0–3), with higher scores indicating greater ./dump-text/1-29.txt- depressive symptomatology. ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- self-management abilities related to the maintenance of overall ./dump-text/1-29.txt: well-being were measured using an adjusted version of the short ./dump-text/1-29.txt- (18-item) version of the self-management ability scale (smas-s).^22 ./dump-text/1-29.txt- this instrument assesses a broad repertoire of self-management -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- physical activity was assessed by asking respondents how many days per ./dump-text/1-29.txt: week they were physically active (e.g. sport activities, exercise, ./dump-text/1-29.txt- housecleaning, work in the garden) for at least 30 min. government ./dump-text/1-29.txt- agencies use this measure to monitor physical activity in the dutch -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- self-reported current smoking was assessed with a yes/no question. ./dump-text/1-29.txt: consumption of fruits and consumption of vegetables were assessed ./dump-text/1-29.txt- separately as indicators of healthy dietary behaviours, measured in ./dump-text/1-29.txt- servings per day. the world health organization and the dutch -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- consumption of <200 g of vegetables per day).^25 ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt: respondents were asked to report the highest educational level ./dump-text/1-29.txt- completed in the netherlands or abroad, with the option to select ‘no ./dump-text/1-29.txt- schooling’ or to write in another response for unlisted forms of -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- high (€1350 or more). ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt: respondents were asked to indicate whether they were married, divorced, ./dump-text/1-29.txt- widowed, single, or cohabitating. a dichotomous variable was created: ./dump-text/1-29.txt- divorced, single and widowed; and married. -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- the questionnaire also solicited information on respondents’ age, ./dump-text/1-29.txt- gender and number of chronic conditions experienced in the past 12 ./dump-text/1-29.txt: months. respondents were provided with a list of 14 chronic conditions ./dump-text/1-29.txt- (e.g. lung diseases, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes) and space to ./dump-text/1-29.txt: write in other conditions. only conditions that were classified as ./dump-text/1-29.txt: chronic by o'halloran et al.^26 were included. ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt-analyses ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt: the characteristics of the study sample were examined using descriptive ./dump-text/1-29.txt- statistics. bivariate associations of variables expressing background ./dump-text/1-29.txt- characteristics, health behaviours and self-management abilities with ./dump-text/1-29.txt- those reflecting physical health, depressive symptoms and well-being ./dump-text/1-29.txt: were examined. regression analyses were then performed to identify ./dump-text/1-29.txt- relationships of health behaviours, self-management abilities, and ./dump-text/1-29.txt- physical health with depressive symptoms and well-being while -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt-results ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt: of, 2350 older turkish immigrants asked to participate, 213 were ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ineligible due to change of address (n = 110), serious medical issue or ./dump-text/1-29.txt- death (n = 102) or non-turkish ethnic background (n = 1). a total of -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- table 1 displays descriptive statistics for the older turkish immigrant ./dump-text/1-29.txt- population. the average age of the 680 respondents was 72.90 [standard ./dump-text/1-29.txt: deviation (sd) 5.02; range 66–95] years, and 47.6% of them were women. ./dump-text/1-29.txt- the majority of respondents reported having low education (80.3%) and ./dump-text/1-29.txt- low income (83.4%) levels. the mean number of chronic diseases was 2.68 ./dump-text/1-29.txt: (sd 1.87; range 0–10). most (90.6%) respondents were chronically ill, ./dump-text/1-29.txt- and 69.4% had more than one chronic disease. according to their ./dump-text/1-29.txt: self-reported body mass indices, 86.5% of respondents were overweight ./dump-text/1-29.txt: and 46.0% were obese. more than half of respondents had sufficient ./dump-text/1-29.txt- weekly fruit (58.2%) and vegetable (55.3%) consumption. about one-third ./dump-text/1-29.txt- (33.5%) of respondents smoked and 43.0% could be considered to be -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- table 2 displays the results of the bivariate analyses. single marital ./dump-text/1-29.txt: status and low educational level were associated positively with ./dump-text/1-29.txt- depressive symptoms and negatively with well-being. the number of ./dump-text/1-29.txt- chronic conditions was associated negatively with physical health and -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- depressive symptoms (r = –0.28, p < 0.001). smoking was related ./dump-text/1-29.txt- positively to depressive symptoms (r = 0.16, p < 0.001). ./dump-text/1-29.txt: self-management abilities were related positively to physical health (r ./dump-text/1-29.txt- = 0.12, p < 0.05) and well-being (r = 0.54, p < 0.001) and negatively ./dump-text/1-29.txt- to depressive symptoms (r = –0.53, p < 0.001). -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- < 0.001). among health behaviours, a weak positive relationship was ./dump-text/1-29.txt- found between sufficient vegetable consumption and well-being (β = ./dump-text/1-29.txt: 0.14, p = 0.017). in addition, weak relationships were found between ./dump-text/1-29.txt- physical activity and depressive symptoms (β = –0.16, p = 0.007), ./dump-text/1-29.txt- smoking and depressive symptoms (β = 0.16, p = 0.009), and ./dump-text/1-29.txt- self-management abilities and physical health (β = 0.17, p = 0.015). ./dump-text/1-29.txt: the strongest relationships were found between self-management ./dump-text/1-29.txt- abilities and depressive symptoms (β = –0.39, p < 0.001) and overall ./dump-text/1-29.txt- well-being (β = 0.49, p < 0.001). -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- physical health, depressive symptoms and well-being among older turkish ./dump-text/1-29.txt- immigrants residing in rotterdam, the netherlands. chronic diseases, ./dump-text/1-29.txt: overweight and obesity were highly prevalent among respondents. during ./dump-text/1-29.txt- the same period in which this study was conducted (2015/2016), a much ./dump-text/1-29.txt- smaller percentage of the general dutch population aged ≥ 65 years was ./dump-text/1-29.txt- overweight compared with our turkish sample (60% vs. 86.5%); the ./dump-text/1-29.txt- prevalence of obesity differed to a lesser degree (42% vs. 46%).^27 in ./dump-text/1-29.txt: addition, a larger percentage of turkish elders were chronically ill ./dump-text/1-29.txt- compared with the general dutch population aged ≥ 65 years (90.6% vs. ./dump-text/1-29.txt- 79.9%).^28 the prevalence of chronic diseases is known to be higher ./dump-text/1-29.txt: among those with lower educational levels,^29 which could explain this ./dump-text/1-29.txt- finding, as 80.3% of older turkish immigrants participating in this ./dump-text/1-29.txt: study were less educated. ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- with increasing numbers of chronic diseases, older immigrants had worse -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- relationships between the outcome variables and physical activity, ./dump-text/1-29.txt- sufficient vegetable consumption and smoking, and the latter two health ./dump-text/1-29.txt: behaviours were not associated with all outcome variables. a smaller ./dump-text/1-29.txt- percentage of older immigrants met the norm for physical activity ./dump-text/1-29.txt- compared with the general older population in the netherlands (43% vs. -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- percentage of smoking in the netherlands is highest in the turkish ./dump-text/1-29.txt- population, especially among turkish men.^32^,^33 regarding dietary ./dump-text/1-29.txt: behaviour, older turkish respondents were healthier than the older ./dump-text/1-29.txt- general population in the netherlands in 2015/2016 in terms of ./dump-text/1-29.txt- sufficient fruit (58.2% vs. 43%) and vegetable (55.3% vs. 30%) -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- activity interventions. ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt: the strongest relationships were found between broader self-management ./dump-text/1-29.txt- abilities and the outcome variables, especially depressive symptoms and ./dump-text/1-29.txt- overall well-being. these findings are important, given that these -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- analyses. no significant difference in gender was found between ./dump-text/1-29.txt- respondents and non-respondents. the mean age of these groups, however, ./dump-text/1-29.txt: differed significantly; on average, respondents were younger than ./dump-text/1-29.txt- non-respondents [72.11 (sd = 5.10) vs. 72.73 (sd = 5.00), ./dump-text/1-29.txt- respectively]. educational level of our sample is comparable to other ./dump-text/1-29.txt- studies showing that ∼80% of turkish older migrants only completed ./dump-text/1-29.txt: elementary school or less.^40 second, the data collected were ./dump-text/1-29.txt- cross-sectional, preventing determination of causality. third, although ./dump-text/1-29.txt- this study showed that self-management abilities are important for -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- health behaviours, broader self-management abilities related to the ./dump-text/1-29.txt- maintenance of overall well-being are important for older turkish ./dump-text/1-29.txt: people. while only weak relationships were found with health ./dump-text/1-29.txt: behaviours, strong relationships were found with broader ./dump-text/1-29.txt- self-management abilities, depressive symptoms and well-being. in terms ./dump-text/1-29.txt- of health behaviours, older turkish people are expected to benefit most -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- g2, g3, g4&vw=t, 2017 (27 june 2017, date last accessed). ./dump-text/1-29.txt- 28. nivel, zorgregistraties eerste lijn, 2016. available at: ./dump-text/1-29.txt: https://www.volksgezondheidenzorg.info/onderwerp/chronische-ziekten-en- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- multimorbiditeit/cijfers-context/prevalentie#node-prevalentie-chronisch ./dump-text/1-29.txt- e-ziekte-naar-leeftijd-en-geslacht (27 june 2017, date last accessed). ./dump-text/1-30.txt- ./dump-text/1-30.txt- being more active can help you: ./dump-text/1-30.txt: * lower your blood pressure ./dump-text/1-30.txt- * boost your levels of good cholesterol ./dump-text/1-30.txt- * improve blood flow (circulation) -- ./dump-text/1-30.txt- * prevent bone loss that can lead to osteoporosis ./dump-text/1-30.txt- ./dump-text/1-30.txt: all of this can add up to fewer medical expenses, interventions and ./dump-text/1-30.txt- medications later in life! ./dump-text/1-30.txt- ./dump-text/1-31.txt- smoking-related illness. the national cost of offering the national ./dump-text/1-31.txt- diabetes prevention program is about $500 per participant, ./dump-text/1-31.txt: significantly lower than the $7,900 spent on diabetes care per type 2 ./dump-text/1-31.txt- diabetes patient each year. ./dump-text/1-31.txt- importanceofhealtheducationbody4 a growing field ./dump-text/1-32.txt- mental and physical health are the two types of health most frequently ./dump-text/1-32.txt- discussed. we also talk about, among others, "spiritual health," ./dump-text/1-32.txt: "emotional health" and "financial health." they were also linked to ./dump-text/1-32.txt: lower levels of stress and mental and physical well- being. ./dump-text/1-32.txt- ./dump-text/1-32.txt-physical health -- ./dump-text/1-32.txt- good health, good education, a well- paid job, and if their health is ./dump-text/1-32.txt- threatened, good health care will be available. ./dump-text/1-32.txt: people with a lower socio- economic status are more likely to ./dump-text/1-32.txt- experience stresses related to daily life, such as financial ./dump-text/1-32.txt- difficulties, marital disruption and unemployment, as well as social ./dump-text/1-33.txt- * experiences ./dump-text/1-33.txt- + all experiences ./dump-text/1-33.txt: + unleash the power within ./dump-text/1-33.txt- o upw – san jose, ca ./dump-text/1-33.txt- o upw – birmingham, uk -- ./dump-text/1-33.txt- * experiences ./dump-text/1-33.txt- + all experiences ./dump-text/1-33.txt: + unleash the power within ./dump-text/1-33.txt- o upw – san jose, ca ./dump-text/1-33.txt- o upw – birmingham, uk -- ./dump-text/1-33.txt- mentally clear without compromising your health or your time. ./dump-text/1-33.txt- ./dump-text/1-33.txt: tony robbins has developed a new line of health products that were ./dump-text/1-33.txt- specially formulated to keep you in peak health. featuring nine new ./dump-text/1-33.txt- physician-grade products, the line includes products ranging from -- ./dump-text/1-33.txt- lifestyle, the vital energy formula is designed to eliminate fatigue so ./dump-text/1-33.txt- you can reach your peak state. this peak performance pack contains ./dump-text/1-33.txt: bioenergy greens, immunoboost-c, adrenal power and neuroboost-b12 to ./dump-text/1-33.txt- help you create and sustain maximum levels of energy. this potent ./dump-text/1-33.txt- combination of natural energy boosters enables you to prevent illness, -- ./dump-text/1-33.txt- loss formula contains the natural energy boosters to get you there. ./dump-text/1-33.txt- available in chocolate and vanilla, these custom weight loss ./dump-text/1-33.txt: formulations were designed to help you hit your weight loss goals in ./dump-text/1-33.txt- just two weeks. as delicious as it is effective, the shake formulation ./dump-text/1-33.txt- was designed to keep you feeling full while giving your metabolism a -- ./dump-text/1-33.txt- outstanding results.” – tony robbins ./dump-text/1-33.txt- ./dump-text/1-33.txt: what could you accomplish if you were living in peak health? would you ./dump-text/1-33.txt- be a better family member and friend to your loved ones? would you ./dump-text/1-33.txt- break down more barriers at work? would you be able to give more back -- ./dump-text/1-33.txt- commit to learning how to get energy naturally. ./dump-text/1-33.txt- ./dump-text/1-33.txt: the new products in tony robbins’ health line were designed to help you ./dump-text/1-33.txt- feel your best. when you feel your best, you perform better in all ./dump-text/1-33.txt- areas of your life. why wait to make a lasting change? buy from the new ./dump-text/1-35.txt- * support center ./dump-text/1-35.txt- ./dump-text/1-35.txt: * reviewers ./dump-text/1-35.txt: * log in as reviewer ./dump-text/1-35.txt: * reviewer recognition ./dump-text/1-35.txt- * support center ./dump-text/1-35.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-35.txt- + authors ./dump-text/1-35.txt- + editors ./dump-text/1-35.txt: + reviewers ./dump-text/1-35.txt- + librarians ./dump-text/1-35.txt- * shop & discover ./dump-text/1-38.txt- health behavior behavioral health behavioral medicine illness ./dump-text/1-38.txt- behavior sociocultural perspective ./dump-text/1-38.txt: these keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. this ./dump-text/1-38.txt- process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning ./dump-text/1-38.txt- algorithm improves. ./dump-text/1-41.txt- mental and physical health are the two most commonly discussed types of ./dump-text/1-41.txt- health. we also talk about "spiritual health," "emotional health," and ./dump-text/1-41.txt: "financial health," among others. these have also been linked to lower ./dump-text/1-41.txt- stress levels and mental and physical wellbeing. ./dump-text/1-41.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-41.txt- well-paid job, afford good healthcare when their health is threatened. ./dump-text/1-41.txt- ./dump-text/1-41.txt: people with a lower socioeconomic status are more likely to experience ./dump-text/1-41.txt- stresses related to daily living, such as financial difficulties, ./dump-text/1-41.txt- marital disruption, and unemployment, as well as social factors, such ./dump-text/1-42.txt- force on april 7, 1948, defined health “as a state of complete ./dump-text/1-42.txt- physical, mental and social well-being.” the writers of the ./dump-text/1-42.txt: constitution were clearly aware of the tendency of seeing health as a ./dump-text/1-42.txt- state dependent on the presence or absence of diseases: so they added ./dump-text/1-42.txt- to that definition that an individual, if he is to be considered -- ./dump-text/1-42.txt- ./dump-text/1-42.txt- the huge challenges that face societies aiming to improve the health of ./dump-text/1-42.txt: their citizens will not be appropriately answered if we do not change ./dump-text/1-42.txt- the paradigms of health and disease and design strategies for future ./dump-text/1-42.txt- work using these new paradigms. their formulation and acceptance is a ./dump-text/1-46.txt- 2007-2016, the pregnancy-related mortality ratio increased from 15 to ./dump-text/1-46.txt- 17 pregnancy-related deaths per 100,000 births and that black, american ./dump-text/1-46.txt: indian and alaska native women were two to three times more likely to ./dump-text/1-46.txt- die from pregnancy-related causes than white women, and this disparity ./dump-text/1-46.txt- increases with age. the report also noted that racial and ethnic ./dump-text/1-47.txt- * how poverty ./dump-text/1-47.txt- is created ./dump-text/1-47.txt: + power & politics ./dump-text/1-47.txt- + health systems ./dump-text/1-47.txt- + women & girls -- ./dump-text/1-47.txt- * how poverty ./dump-text/1-47.txt- is created [ ] expand dropdown ./dump-text/1-47.txt: + power & politics [ ] expand dropdown ./dump-text/1-47.txt- o drug policy ./dump-text/1-47.txt- o from colonialism to neoliberalism -- ./dump-text/1-47.txt- + campaign issues [ ] expand dropdown ./dump-text/1-47.txt- o a 21st century approach to drugs ./dump-text/1-47.txt: o the power of language ./dump-text/1-47.txt- + policy reports ./dump-text/1-47.txt- * take action -- ./dump-text/1-47.txt- + campaign ./dump-text/1-47.txt- + community & events [ ] expand dropdown ./dump-text/1-47.txt: o host a baby shower ./dump-text/1-47.txt- o curry for change ./dump-text/1-47.txt- o virgin money london marathon 2020 -- ./dump-text/1-47.txt-in this section ./dump-text/1-47.txt- ./dump-text/1-47.txt: * power & politics ./dump-text/1-47.txt- * health systems ./dump-text/1-47.txt- * women & girls -- ./dump-text/1-47.txt- ./dump-text/1-47.txt- iframe: gform_ajax_frame_1 ./dump-text/1-47.txt: this iframe contains the logic required to handle ajax powered gravity ./dump-text/1-47.txt- forms. ./dump-text/1-47.txt- ./dump-text/1-48.txt- collapsed or are inadequate, emergency obstetrical needs are among the ./dump-text/1-48.txt- major needs we see. over the period of 2008-15, 56 percent of all ./dump-text/1-48.txt: caesarean sections we performed were in active conflict settings. for ./dump-text/1-48.txt- this reason, rapid implementation of emergency maternal care is now ./dump-text/1-48.txt- incorporated into our response to these crises. ./dump-text/1-49.txt- ./dump-text/1-49.txt- a review, published by the independent commission for aid impact (icai) ./dump-text/1-49.txt: on tuesday, also said the number of lives saved “were significantly ./dump-text/1-49.txt- below what they could have been, given the level of investment”. ./dump-text/1-49.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-49.txt- between 2011 and 2015. within this, £1.3bn focused more closely on ./dump-text/1-49.txt- maternal health, including family planning, reproductive healthcare and ./dump-text/1-49.txt: maternal and neonatal health. but icai said investments were focused on ./dump-text/1-49.txt- short-term goals, and did not do enough to strengthen healthcare ./dump-text/1-49.txt- systems or target marginalised women or teenage girls. -- ./dump-text/1-49.txt- girls aged between 15 and 19 years. but icai found that few programmes ./dump-text/1-49.txt- included specific measures to reach these groups, nor did the ./dump-text/1-49.txt: department monitor whether its programmes were reaching teenage girls. ./dump-text/1-49.txt- ./dump-text/1-49.txt- it also failed to include measures that would tackle discrimination and -- ./dump-text/1-49.txt- ./dump-text/1-49.txt- while uk aid had improved access to family planning for millions of ./dump-text/1-49.txt: women, in malawi such programmes were delivered through non-state ./dump-text/1-49.txt- providers. such partnerships allowed funding to quickly reach large ./dump-text/1-49.txt- numbers of people, but risked displacing public sector services, said ./dump-text/1-55.txt- + podcasts ./dump-text/1-55.txt- + message boards ./dump-text/1-55.txt: + questions & answers ./dump-text/1-55.txt- + insurance guide ./dump-text/1-55.txt- + find a doctor -- ./dump-text/1-55.txt- * slideshows ./dump-text/1-55.txt- * videos ./dump-text/1-55.txt: * questions & answers ./dump-text/1-55.txt- * message board ./dump-text/1-55.txt- * find a psychiatrist ./dump-text/1-56.txt-footer-2-menu ./dump-text/1-56.txt- ./dump-text/1-56.txt: * viewers & players ./dump-text/1-56.txt- * foia ./dump-text/1-56.txt- * whitehouse.gov ./dump-text/1-57.txt-footer-2-menu ./dump-text/1-57.txt- ./dump-text/1-57.txt: * viewers & players ./dump-text/1-57.txt- * foia ./dump-text/1-57.txt- * whitehouse.gov ./dump-text/1-58.txt- + facts in pictures ./dump-text/1-58.txt- + publications ./dump-text/1-58.txt: + questions & answers ./dump-text/1-58.txt- ./dump-text/1-58.txt- * popular » ./dump-text/1-59.txt- when they lose touch with reality. people affected may hear voices, see ./dump-text/1-59.txt- things no one else sees, hold unusual or irrational beliefs, feel ./dump-text/1-59.txt: unrealistically powerful, or read particular meanings into everyday ./dump-text/1-59.txt- events. ./dump-text/1-59.txt- ./dump-text/1-60.txt- it is hard, bordering on impossible, to accurately diagnose yourself ./dump-text/1-60.txt- for mental disorders with an online questionnaire. you do not have an ./dump-text/1-60.txt: objective view of yourself and are bound to answer questions ./dump-text/1-60.txt- inaccurately. also, online tests are not comprehensive, so they do not ./dump-text/1-60.txt- check for all possible symptoms. only a face-to-face session with a -- ./dump-text/1-60.txt- ./dump-text/1-60.txt- calls to any general helpline (non-facility specific 1-8xx numbers) for ./dump-text/1-60.txt: your visit will be answered by american addiction centers (aac). ./dump-text/1-60.txt- ./dump-text/1-60.txt- we are standing by 24/7 to discuss your treatment options. our ./dump-text/1-2.txt- + facts in pictures ./dump-text/1-2.txt- + publications ./dump-text/1-2.txt: + questions & answers ./dump-text/1-2.txt- ./dump-text/1-2.txt- * popular » ./dump-text/1-4.txt- ./dump-text/1-4.txt- the national audit office praised the government for the "enormous ./dump-text/1-4.txt: amount of work" that had been done but said there were still ./dump-text/1-4.txt- "significant" gaps. ./dump-text/1-4.txt- ./dump-text/1-5.txt- by nicole asher and staff ./dump-text/1-5.txt- the cfa captain in the small hamlet of wairewa is feeling guilty — his ./dump-text/1-5.txt: home was saved when fire went through, but 11 others were destroyed. ./dump-text/1-5.txt- locals like him have begun surveying the damage in parts of east ./dump-text/1-5.txt- gippsland, while others have already evacuated. -- ./dump-text/1-5.txt- in a year marred by tragedy both at home and abroad, it can be easy to ./dump-text/1-5.txt- think of the news cycle as little more than doom and gloom. but beneath ./dump-text/1-5.txt: the sombre headlines were stories of hope and optimism that are bound ./dump-text/1-5.txt- to have even the most pessimistic among us struggling to stifle a ./dump-text/1-5.txt- smile. ./dump-text/1-7.txt- bar graph displaying the most common health issues gps reported dealing ./dump-text/1-7.txt- with. ./dump-text/1-7.txt: gps were asked to list the three most common ailments they deal with. ./dump-text/1-7.txt- (health of the nation 2019) ./dump-text/1-7.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- with. ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-7.txt: gps were asked to list the three most common ailments they deal with. ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- health of the nation 2019 -- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- minutes — which we all know is not true." ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-7.txt: without longer subsidised consultations, dr nespolon said many gps were ./dump-text/1-7.txt- being forced to cram patients with complex needs into short ./dump-text/1-7.txt- appointments, charge patients for more time, or wear the out-of-pocket -- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- the health of the nation report found out-of-pocket costs to see the gp ./dump-text/1-7.txt: were rising, and for the first time, all areas outside major cities had ./dump-text/1-7.txt- seen a decline in bulk billing. ./dump-text/1-7.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- "medicare statistics indicate that 86.2 per cent of general practice ./dump-text/1-7.txt: services were bulk billed in 2018-19," the report states. ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- "while this figure provides an indication of total bulk-billed services -- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- since patients may receive a number of services during a single visit ./dump-text/1-7.txt- to a gp, with some services bulk billed and others not, the proportion ./dump-text/1-7.txt: of people who face zero out-of-pocket costs for care is much lower than ./dump-text/1-7.txt- the rate of services overall. ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-7.txt: "in 2016-17, while 86 per cent of gp services were bulk billed, ./dump-text/1-7.txt- nationally only 66 per cent of patients had all of their gp services ./dump-text/1-7.txt- bulk billed." -- ./dump-text/1-7.txt- professional ./dump-text/1-7.txt- * article victorian town in 'crisis mode' as doctor shortage looms ./dump-text/1-7.txt: * article greg hunt said fewer patients face costs to see a gp under ./dump-text/1-7.txt- the coalition. is he correct? ./dump-text/1-7.txt- ./dump-text/1-8.txt- 1. read about the freedom of information (foi) act and how to make a ./dump-text/1-8.txt- request. ./dump-text/1-8.txt: 2. check our previous releases to see if we’ve already answered your ./dump-text/1-8.txt- question. ./dump-text/1-8.txt- 3. make a new request by contacting us using the details below. -- ./dump-text/1-8.txt- don’t include personal or financial information like your national ./dump-text/1-8.txt- insurance number or credit card details. ./dump-text/1-8.txt: what were you doing? ____________________ ./dump-text/1-8.txt- what went wrong? ____________________ ./dump-text/1-8.txt- (button) send ./dump-text/1-9.txt- don’t include personal or financial information like your national ./dump-text/1-9.txt- insurance number or credit card details. ./dump-text/1-9.txt: what were you doing? ____________________ ./dump-text/1-9.txt- what went wrong? ____________________ ./dump-text/1-9.txt- (button) send ./dump-text/1-11.txt- some evidence also suggests that this food can boost metabolism (13). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt: in one study, almonds were shown to increase weight loss by 62%, ./dump-text/1-11.txt- compared with complex carbs (14). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and various other nutrients (22). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt: studies show that people who eat the most fish have a lower risk of ./dump-text/1-11.txt- several conditions, including heart disease, dementia, and depression ./dump-text/1-11.txt- (23, 24, 25). -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- light from entering your eyes in the evening. ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt: this allows melatonin to be produced as if it were completely dark, ./dump-text/1-11.txt- helping you sleep better (41). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- their benefits include improved bone health, increased strength, ./dump-text/1-11.txt: reduced symptoms of depression, and a lower risk of cancer. vitamin d ./dump-text/1-11.txt- may also help you live longer (43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- studies show that people who eat the most vegetables and fruits live ./dump-text/1-11.txt: longer and have a lower risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, ./dump-text/1-11.txt- obesity, and other illnesses (50, 51). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- high protein intake can boost metabolism significantly while making you ./dump-text/1-11.txt: feel full enough to automatically eat fewer calories. it can also ./dump-text/1-11.txt- reduce cravings and your desire to snack late at night (53, 54, 55, ./dump-text/1-11.txt- 56). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt: sufficient protein intake has also been shown to lower blood sugar and ./dump-text/1-11.txt- blood pressure levels (57, 58). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest vegetable oils. ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt: it’s loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and powerful ./dump-text/1-11.txt- antioxidants that can fight inflammation (62, 63, 64). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- extra virgin olive oil benefits heart health, as people who consume it ./dump-text/1-11.txt: have a much lower risk of dying from heart attacks and strokes (65, ./dump-text/1-11.txt- 66). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- while it’s true that saturated fat raises cholesterol levels, it also ./dump-text/1-11.txt- raises hdl (good) cholesterol and shrinks your ldl (bad) particles, ./dump-text/1-11.txt: which is linked to a lower risk of heart disease (78, 79, 80, 81). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- new studies in hundreds of thousands of people have questioned the -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- 93). ./dump-text/1-11.txt- ./dump-text/1-11.txt: due to their powerful benefits, you should try to include as many herbs ./dump-text/1-11.txt- and spices as possible in your diet. ./dump-text/1-11.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-11.txt- read more ./dump-text/1-11.txt- * healthy eating — a detailed guide for beginners ./dump-text/1-11.txt: written by rudy mawer, msc, cissn ./dump-text/1-11.txt- eating healthy can help you lose weight, have more energy and ./dump-text/1-11.txt- prevent many diseases. this article explains how to eat healthy. ./dump-text/1-12.txt- + podcasts ./dump-text/1-12.txt- + message boards ./dump-text/1-12.txt: + questions & answers ./dump-text/1-12.txt- + insurance guide ./dump-text/1-12.txt- + find a doctor -- ./dump-text/1-12.txt- * slideshows ./dump-text/1-12.txt- * videos ./dump-text/1-12.txt: * questions & answers ./dump-text/1-12.txt- * message board ./dump-text/1-12.txt- * find a psychologist -- ./dump-text/1-12.txt- ./dump-text/1-12.txt- montgomery exercises every day, often with her dog. by adding lunges, ./dump-text/1-12.txt: squats, and stairs to a walk, she turns it into a power workout. "i ./dump-text/1-12.txt- also am a huge pilates fan," she says. ./dump-text/1-12.txt- ./dump-text/1-12.txt-lose weight ./dump-text/1-12.txt- ./dump-text/1-12.txt: when you shed pounds you'll lower your risk of heart disease, type 2 ./dump-text/1-12.txt- diabetes, and cancer. ./dump-text/1-12.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-12.txt- * yoga: health benefits and safety tips ./dump-text/1-12.txt- * which massage is best for you? ./dump-text/1-12.txt: * the healing power of music ./dump-text/1-12.txt- ./dump-text/1-12.txt-today on webmd ./dump-text/1-13.txt- even if you feel perfectly well, without any symptoms and/or signs. ./dump-text/1-13.txt- early detection, followed by treatment and good control of the ./dump-text/1-13.txt: condition can result in better outcomes, and lowers the risk of serious ./dump-text/1-13.txt- complications. it is therefore important to get yourself screened even ./dump-text/1-13.txt- if you feel perfectly healthy. -- ./dump-text/1-13.txt- particular condition even if you feel perfectly well, without any ./dump-text/1-13.txt- symptoms and/or signs. early detection, followed by treatment and good ./dump-text/1-13.txt: control of the condition can result in better outcomes, and lowers the ./dump-text/1-13.txt- risk of serious complications. it is therefore important to get ./dump-text/1-13.txt- yourself screened even if you feel perfectly healthy.

3. what ./dump-text/1-14.txt- lifestyle changes are a very effective way to substantially reduce risk ./dump-text/1-14.txt- but to make those changes, you first need to know if you are at risk. ./dump-text/1-14.txt: knowledge gives you the power to take charge of your health. remember, ./dump-text/1-14.txt- your health is your greatest asset and early detection can save lives! ./dump-text/1-14.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-14.txt- ./dump-text/1-14.txt- © 2005 - 2020. all rights reserved by pathology & clinical laboratory ./dump-text/1-14.txt: (m) sdn. bhd. (37363-k). powered by orangesoft web design. sitemap ./dump-text/1-14.txt- [fb-icon.png] ./dump-text/1-16.txt- # disaster psychosocial services program ./dump-text/1-16.txt- o indigenous health ./dump-text/1-16.txt: o lower mainland pathology & laboratory medicine ./dump-text/1-16.txt- o mobile medical unit ./dump-text/1-16.txt- o perinatal services bc ./dump-text/1-19.txt- o genome ./dump-text/1-19.txt- o genome project ./dump-text/1-19.txt: o genome data viewer (gdv) ./dump-text/1-19.txt- o genome protmap ./dump-text/1-19.txt- o genome workbench -- ./dump-text/1-19.txt- * reference sequences ./dump-text/1-19.txt- * gene expression omnibus ./dump-text/1-19.txt: * genome data viewer ./dump-text/1-19.txt- * human genome ./dump-text/1-19.txt- * mouse genome ./dump-text/1-26.txt- * pricing in marketing november 20, 2019 ./dump-text/1-26.txt- ./dump-text/1-26.txt: powered by wordpress. designed by woothemes ./dump-text/1-26.txt- ./dump-text/1-26.txt- web analytics made easy - statcounter ./dump-text/1-28.txt- * accessibility ./dump-text/1-28.txt- * privacy policy ./dump-text/1-28.txt: * viewers & players ./dump-text/1-28.txt- ./dump-text/1-28.txt- * budget/performance ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- a total of 2350 older turkish migrants aged > 65 years residing in ./dump-text/1-29.txt: rotterdam, the netherlands were identified using the municipal register ./dump-text/1-29.txt- of which 680 respondents completed the questionnaires (response rate of ./dump-text/1-29.txt- 32%). -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- average age of the respondents was 72.90 (standard deviation 5.02) ./dump-text/1-29.txt: (range 66–95) years and about half of them were women (47.6%). the ./dump-text/1-29.txt- majority of respondents reported having a low education (80.3%), low ./dump-text/1-29.txt- income level (83.4%), is chronically ill (90.6%), overweight (86.5%) -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- physically active. looking at the health behaviours a weak positive ./dump-text/1-29.txt- relationship was found between eating enough vegetables and well-being ./dump-text/1-29.txt: (β = 0.14; p = 0.017). in addition, weak relationships were found ./dump-text/1-29.txt- between physical activity and depressive symptoms (β = −0.16; p = ./dump-text/1-29.txt- 0.007), smoking and depressive symptoms (β = 0.16; p = 0.009) and ./dump-text/1-29.txt- self-management abilities and physical health (β = 0.17; p = 0.015). ./dump-text/1-29.txt: strongest relationships were found between self-management abilities ./dump-text/1-29.txt- and depressive symptoms (β = −0.39; p < 0.001) and self-management ./dump-text/1-29.txt- abilities with overall well-being (β = 0.49; p < 0.001). -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- community-dwelling turkish people aged > 65 years in rotterdam, the ./dump-text/1-29.txt: netherlands, were identified using the municipal register and asked to ./dump-text/1-29.txt- participate between march 2015 and february 2016 (with a summer break, ./dump-text/1-29.txt- given that most of this population spends the summer in turkey). we ./dump-text/1-29.txt- asked respondents to fill in a questionnaire containing 153 questions ./dump-text/1-29.txt- in total (provided in the dutch as well as turkish language). these ./dump-text/1-29.txt: questionnaires were first distributed via post, followed by a postal ./dump-text/1-29.txt- reminder and finally a minimum of two home visit attempts (by ./dump-text/1-29.txt: interviewers speaking dutch as well as the turkish language). the ./dump-text/1-29.txt- personal interviews lasted about 60–90 min. an information leaflet was ./dump-text/1-29.txt- provided to respondents explaining the aim of the study with contact ./dump-text/1-29.txt- details (of dutch as well as turkish speaking research assistants) in ./dump-text/1-29.txt: case they had additional questions. no (financial) incentives were ./dump-text/1-29.txt- provided. ./dump-text/1-29.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- research involving human subjects act and thus did not require prior ./dump-text/1-29.txt- review by an accredited medical research and ethics committee or the ./dump-text/1-29.txt: ccmo. all respondents were informed about the aims of the study, and ./dump-text/1-29.txt- assured that participation was anonymous and voluntary, prior to ./dump-text/1-29.txt- providing consent. -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- your activities?’ (stimulation). responses are given on a 4-point scale ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ranging from never (1) to always (4), with higher mean scores ./dump-text/1-29.txt: indicating greater well-being. total scores were calculated based on ./dump-text/1-29.txt- the mean scores for the five subscales. cronbach’s alpha of the spf-il ./dump-text/1-29.txt- based on the five subscales was 0.76, indicating good reliability. -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- we used the 7-item depression section of the hospital anxiety and ./dump-text/1-29.txt: depression scale to assess symptoms of depression.^21 all items were ./dump-text/1-29.txt- rated on a 4-point scale (0–3), with higher scores indicating greater ./dump-text/1-29.txt- depressive symptomatology. ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- self-management abilities related to the maintenance of overall ./dump-text/1-29.txt: well-being were measured using an adjusted version of the short ./dump-text/1-29.txt- (18-item) version of the self-management ability scale (smas-s).^22 ./dump-text/1-29.txt- this instrument assesses a broad repertoire of self-management -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- physical activity was assessed by asking respondents how many days per ./dump-text/1-29.txt: week they were physically active (e.g. sport activities, exercise, ./dump-text/1-29.txt- housecleaning, work in the garden) for at least 30 min. government ./dump-text/1-29.txt- agencies use this measure to monitor physical activity in the dutch -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- self-reported current smoking was assessed with a yes/no question. ./dump-text/1-29.txt: consumption of fruits and consumption of vegetables were assessed ./dump-text/1-29.txt- separately as indicators of healthy dietary behaviours, measured in ./dump-text/1-29.txt- servings per day. the world health organization and the dutch -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- consumption of <200 g of vegetables per day).^25 ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt: respondents were asked to report the highest educational level ./dump-text/1-29.txt- completed in the netherlands or abroad, with the option to select ‘no ./dump-text/1-29.txt- schooling’ or to write in another response for unlisted forms of -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- high (€1350 or more). ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt: respondents were asked to indicate whether they were married, divorced, ./dump-text/1-29.txt- widowed, single, or cohabitating. a dichotomous variable was created: ./dump-text/1-29.txt- divorced, single and widowed; and married. -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- the questionnaire also solicited information on respondents’ age, ./dump-text/1-29.txt- gender and number of chronic conditions experienced in the past 12 ./dump-text/1-29.txt: months. respondents were provided with a list of 14 chronic conditions ./dump-text/1-29.txt- (e.g. lung diseases, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes) and space to ./dump-text/1-29.txt: write in other conditions. only conditions that were classified as ./dump-text/1-29.txt: chronic by o'halloran et al.^26 were included. ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt-analyses ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt: the characteristics of the study sample were examined using descriptive ./dump-text/1-29.txt- statistics. bivariate associations of variables expressing background ./dump-text/1-29.txt- characteristics, health behaviours and self-management abilities with ./dump-text/1-29.txt- those reflecting physical health, depressive symptoms and well-being ./dump-text/1-29.txt: were examined. regression analyses were then performed to identify ./dump-text/1-29.txt- relationships of health behaviours, self-management abilities, and ./dump-text/1-29.txt- physical health with depressive symptoms and well-being while -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt-results ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt: of, 2350 older turkish immigrants asked to participate, 213 were ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ineligible due to change of address (n = 110), serious medical issue or ./dump-text/1-29.txt- death (n = 102) or non-turkish ethnic background (n = 1). a total of -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- table 1 displays descriptive statistics for the older turkish immigrant ./dump-text/1-29.txt- population. the average age of the 680 respondents was 72.90 [standard ./dump-text/1-29.txt: deviation (sd) 5.02; range 66–95] years, and 47.6% of them were women. ./dump-text/1-29.txt- the majority of respondents reported having low education (80.3%) and ./dump-text/1-29.txt- low income (83.4%) levels. the mean number of chronic diseases was 2.68 ./dump-text/1-29.txt: (sd 1.87; range 0–10). most (90.6%) respondents were chronically ill, ./dump-text/1-29.txt- and 69.4% had more than one chronic disease. according to their ./dump-text/1-29.txt: self-reported body mass indices, 86.5% of respondents were overweight ./dump-text/1-29.txt: and 46.0% were obese. more than half of respondents had sufficient ./dump-text/1-29.txt- weekly fruit (58.2%) and vegetable (55.3%) consumption. about one-third ./dump-text/1-29.txt- (33.5%) of respondents smoked and 43.0% could be considered to be -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- table 2 displays the results of the bivariate analyses. single marital ./dump-text/1-29.txt: status and low educational level were associated positively with ./dump-text/1-29.txt- depressive symptoms and negatively with well-being. the number of ./dump-text/1-29.txt- chronic conditions was associated negatively with physical health and -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- depressive symptoms (r = –0.28, p < 0.001). smoking was related ./dump-text/1-29.txt- positively to depressive symptoms (r = 0.16, p < 0.001). ./dump-text/1-29.txt: self-management abilities were related positively to physical health (r ./dump-text/1-29.txt- = 0.12, p < 0.05) and well-being (r = 0.54, p < 0.001) and negatively ./dump-text/1-29.txt- to depressive symptoms (r = –0.53, p < 0.001). -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- < 0.001). among health behaviours, a weak positive relationship was ./dump-text/1-29.txt- found between sufficient vegetable consumption and well-being (β = ./dump-text/1-29.txt: 0.14, p = 0.017). in addition, weak relationships were found between ./dump-text/1-29.txt- physical activity and depressive symptoms (β = –0.16, p = 0.007), ./dump-text/1-29.txt- smoking and depressive symptoms (β = 0.16, p = 0.009), and ./dump-text/1-29.txt- self-management abilities and physical health (β = 0.17, p = 0.015). ./dump-text/1-29.txt: the strongest relationships were found between self-management ./dump-text/1-29.txt- abilities and depressive symptoms (β = –0.39, p < 0.001) and overall ./dump-text/1-29.txt- well-being (β = 0.49, p < 0.001). -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- physical health, depressive symptoms and well-being among older turkish ./dump-text/1-29.txt- immigrants residing in rotterdam, the netherlands. chronic diseases, ./dump-text/1-29.txt: overweight and obesity were highly prevalent among respondents. during ./dump-text/1-29.txt- the same period in which this study was conducted (2015/2016), a much ./dump-text/1-29.txt- smaller percentage of the general dutch population aged ≥ 65 years was ./dump-text/1-29.txt- overweight compared with our turkish sample (60% vs. 86.5%); the ./dump-text/1-29.txt- prevalence of obesity differed to a lesser degree (42% vs. 46%).^27 in ./dump-text/1-29.txt: addition, a larger percentage of turkish elders were chronically ill ./dump-text/1-29.txt- compared with the general dutch population aged ≥ 65 years (90.6% vs. ./dump-text/1-29.txt- 79.9%).^28 the prevalence of chronic diseases is known to be higher ./dump-text/1-29.txt: among those with lower educational levels,^29 which could explain this ./dump-text/1-29.txt- finding, as 80.3% of older turkish immigrants participating in this ./dump-text/1-29.txt: study were less educated. ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- with increasing numbers of chronic diseases, older immigrants had worse -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- relationships between the outcome variables and physical activity, ./dump-text/1-29.txt- sufficient vegetable consumption and smoking, and the latter two health ./dump-text/1-29.txt: behaviours were not associated with all outcome variables. a smaller ./dump-text/1-29.txt- percentage of older immigrants met the norm for physical activity ./dump-text/1-29.txt- compared with the general older population in the netherlands (43% vs. -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- percentage of smoking in the netherlands is highest in the turkish ./dump-text/1-29.txt- population, especially among turkish men.^32^,^33 regarding dietary ./dump-text/1-29.txt: behaviour, older turkish respondents were healthier than the older ./dump-text/1-29.txt- general population in the netherlands in 2015/2016 in terms of ./dump-text/1-29.txt- sufficient fruit (58.2% vs. 43%) and vegetable (55.3% vs. 30%) -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- activity interventions. ./dump-text/1-29.txt- ./dump-text/1-29.txt: the strongest relationships were found between broader self-management ./dump-text/1-29.txt- abilities and the outcome variables, especially depressive symptoms and ./dump-text/1-29.txt- overall well-being. these findings are important, given that these -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- analyses. no significant difference in gender was found between ./dump-text/1-29.txt- respondents and non-respondents. the mean age of these groups, however, ./dump-text/1-29.txt: differed significantly; on average, respondents were younger than ./dump-text/1-29.txt- non-respondents [72.11 (sd = 5.10) vs. 72.73 (sd = 5.00), ./dump-text/1-29.txt- respectively]. educational level of our sample is comparable to other ./dump-text/1-29.txt- studies showing that ∼80% of turkish older migrants only completed ./dump-text/1-29.txt: elementary school or less.^40 second, the data collected were ./dump-text/1-29.txt- cross-sectional, preventing determination of causality. third, although ./dump-text/1-29.txt- this study showed that self-management abilities are important for -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- health behaviours, broader self-management abilities related to the ./dump-text/1-29.txt- maintenance of overall well-being are important for older turkish ./dump-text/1-29.txt: people. while only weak relationships were found with health ./dump-text/1-29.txt: behaviours, strong relationships were found with broader ./dump-text/1-29.txt- self-management abilities, depressive symptoms and well-being. in terms ./dump-text/1-29.txt- of health behaviours, older turkish people are expected to benefit most -- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- g2, g3, g4&vw=t, 2017 (27 june 2017, date last accessed). ./dump-text/1-29.txt- 28. nivel, zorgregistraties eerste lijn, 2016. available at: ./dump-text/1-29.txt: https://www.volksgezondheidenzorg.info/onderwerp/chronische-ziekten-en- ./dump-text/1-29.txt- multimorbiditeit/cijfers-context/prevalentie#node-prevalentie-chronisch ./dump-text/1-29.txt- e-ziekte-naar-leeftijd-en-geslacht (27 june 2017, date last accessed). ./dump-text/1-31.txt- smoking-related illness. the national cost of offering the national ./dump-text/1-31.txt- diabetes prevention program is about $500 per participant, ./dump-text/1-31.txt: significantly lower than the $7,900 spent on diabetes care per type 2 ./dump-text/1-31.txt- diabetes patient each year. ./dump-text/1-31.txt- importanceofhealtheducationbody4 a growing field ./dump-text/1-32.txt- mental and physical health are the two types of health most frequently ./dump-text/1-32.txt- discussed. we also talk about, among others, "spiritual health," ./dump-text/1-32.txt: "emotional health" and "financial health." they were also linked to ./dump-text/1-32.txt: lower levels of stress and mental and physical well- being. ./dump-text/1-32.txt- ./dump-text/1-32.txt-physical health -- ./dump-text/1-32.txt- good health, good education, a well- paid job, and if their health is ./dump-text/1-32.txt- threatened, good health care will be available. ./dump-text/1-32.txt: people with a lower socio- economic status are more likely to ./dump-text/1-32.txt- experience stresses related to daily life, such as financial ./dump-text/1-32.txt- difficulties, marital disruption and unemployment, as well as social ./dump-text/1-33.txt- * experiences ./dump-text/1-33.txt- + all experiences ./dump-text/1-33.txt: + unleash the power within ./dump-text/1-33.txt- o upw – san jose, ca ./dump-text/1-33.txt- o upw – birmingham, uk -- ./dump-text/1-33.txt- * experiences ./dump-text/1-33.txt- + all experiences ./dump-text/1-33.txt: + unleash the power within ./dump-text/1-33.txt- o upw – san jose, ca ./dump-text/1-33.txt- o upw – birmingham, uk -- ./dump-text/1-33.txt- mentally clear without compromising your health or your time. ./dump-text/1-33.txt- ./dump-text/1-33.txt: tony robbins has developed a new line of health products that were ./dump-text/1-33.txt- specially formulated to keep you in peak health. featuring nine new ./dump-text/1-33.txt- physician-grade products, the line includes products ranging from -- ./dump-text/1-33.txt- lifestyle, the vital energy formula is designed to eliminate fatigue so ./dump-text/1-33.txt- you can reach your peak state. this peak performance pack contains ./dump-text/1-33.txt: bioenergy greens, immunoboost-c, adrenal power and neuroboost-b12 to ./dump-text/1-33.txt- help you create and sustain maximum levels of energy. this potent ./dump-text/1-33.txt- combination of natural energy boosters enables you to prevent illness, -- ./dump-text/1-33.txt- loss formula contains the natural energy boosters to get you there. ./dump-text/1-33.txt- available in chocolate and vanilla, these custom weight loss ./dump-text/1-33.txt: formulations were designed to help you hit your weight loss goals in ./dump-text/1-33.txt- just two weeks. as delicious as it is effective, the shake formulation ./dump-text/1-33.txt- was designed to keep you feeling full while giving your metabolism a -- ./dump-text/1-33.txt- outstanding results.” – tony robbins ./dump-text/1-33.txt- ./dump-text/1-33.txt: what could you accomplish if you were living in peak health? would you ./dump-text/1-33.txt- be a better family member and friend to your loved ones? would you ./dump-text/1-33.txt- break down more barriers at work? would you be able to give more back -- ./dump-text/1-33.txt- commit to learning how to get energy naturally. ./dump-text/1-33.txt- ./dump-text/1-33.txt: the new products in tony robbins’ health line were designed to help you ./dump-text/1-33.txt- feel your best. when you feel your best, you perform better in all ./dump-text/1-33.txt- areas of your life. why wait to make a lasting change? buy from the new ./dump-text/1-35.txt- * support center ./dump-text/1-35.txt- ./dump-text/1-35.txt: * reviewers ./dump-text/1-35.txt: * log in as reviewer ./dump-text/1-35.txt: * reviewer recognition ./dump-text/1-35.txt- * support center ./dump-text/1-35.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-35.txt- + authors ./dump-text/1-35.txt- + editors ./dump-text/1-35.txt: + reviewers ./dump-text/1-35.txt- + librarians ./dump-text/1-35.txt- * shop & discover ./dump-text/1-38.txt- health behavior behavioral health behavioral medicine illness ./dump-text/1-38.txt- behavior sociocultural perspective ./dump-text/1-38.txt: these keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. this ./dump-text/1-38.txt- process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning ./dump-text/1-38.txt- algorithm improves. ./dump-text/1-41.txt- mental and physical health are the two most commonly discussed types of ./dump-text/1-41.txt- health. we also talk about "spiritual health," "emotional health," and ./dump-text/1-41.txt: "financial health," among others. these have also been linked to lower ./dump-text/1-41.txt- stress levels and mental and physical wellbeing. ./dump-text/1-41.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-41.txt- well-paid job, afford good healthcare when their health is threatened. ./dump-text/1-41.txt- ./dump-text/1-41.txt: people with a lower socioeconomic status are more likely to experience ./dump-text/1-41.txt- stresses related to daily living, such as financial difficulties, ./dump-text/1-41.txt- marital disruption, and unemployment, as well as social factors, such ./dump-text/1-42.txt- force on april 7, 1948, defined health “as a state of complete ./dump-text/1-42.txt- physical, mental and social well-being.” the writers of the ./dump-text/1-42.txt: constitution were clearly aware of the tendency of seeing health as a ./dump-text/1-42.txt- state dependent on the presence or absence of diseases: so they added ./dump-text/1-42.txt- to that definition that an individual, if he is to be considered -- ./dump-text/1-42.txt- ./dump-text/1-42.txt- the huge challenges that face societies aiming to improve the health of ./dump-text/1-42.txt: their citizens will not be appropriately answered if we do not change ./dump-text/1-42.txt- the paradigms of health and disease and design strategies for future ./dump-text/1-42.txt- work using these new paradigms. their formulation and acceptance is a ./dump-text/1-46.txt- 2007-2016, the pregnancy-related mortality ratio increased from 15 to ./dump-text/1-46.txt- 17 pregnancy-related deaths per 100,000 births and that black, american ./dump-text/1-46.txt: indian and alaska native women were two to three times more likely to ./dump-text/1-46.txt- die from pregnancy-related causes than white women, and this disparity ./dump-text/1-46.txt- increases with age. the report also noted that racial and ethnic ./dump-text/1-47.txt- * how poverty ./dump-text/1-47.txt- is created ./dump-text/1-47.txt: + power & politics ./dump-text/1-47.txt- + health systems ./dump-text/1-47.txt- + women & girls -- ./dump-text/1-47.txt- * how poverty ./dump-text/1-47.txt- is created [ ] expand dropdown ./dump-text/1-47.txt: + power & politics [ ] expand dropdown ./dump-text/1-47.txt- o drug policy ./dump-text/1-47.txt- o from colonialism to neoliberalism -- ./dump-text/1-47.txt- + campaign issues [ ] expand dropdown ./dump-text/1-47.txt- o a 21st century approach to drugs ./dump-text/1-47.txt: o the power of language ./dump-text/1-47.txt- + policy reports ./dump-text/1-47.txt- * take action -- ./dump-text/1-47.txt- + campaign ./dump-text/1-47.txt- + community & events [ ] expand dropdown ./dump-text/1-47.txt: o host a baby shower ./dump-text/1-47.txt- o curry for change ./dump-text/1-47.txt- o virgin money london marathon 2020 -- ./dump-text/1-47.txt-in this section ./dump-text/1-47.txt- ./dump-text/1-47.txt: * power & politics ./dump-text/1-47.txt- * health systems ./dump-text/1-47.txt- * women & girls -- ./dump-text/1-47.txt- ./dump-text/1-47.txt- iframe: gform_ajax_frame_1 ./dump-text/1-47.txt: this iframe contains the logic required to handle ajax powered gravity ./dump-text/1-47.txt- forms. ./dump-text/1-47.txt- ./dump-text/1-48.txt- collapsed or are inadequate, emergency obstetrical needs are among the ./dump-text/1-48.txt- major needs we see. over the period of 2008-15, 56 percent of all ./dump-text/1-48.txt: caesarean sections we performed were in active conflict settings. for ./dump-text/1-48.txt- this reason, rapid implementation of emergency maternal care is now ./dump-text/1-48.txt- incorporated into our response to these crises. ./dump-text/1-49.txt- ./dump-text/1-49.txt- a review, published by the independent commission for aid impact (icai) ./dump-text/1-49.txt: on tuesday, also said the number of lives saved “were significantly ./dump-text/1-49.txt- below what they could have been, given the level of investment”. ./dump-text/1-49.txt- -- ./dump-text/1-49.txt- between 2011 and 2015. within this, £1.3bn focused more closely on ./dump-text/1-49.txt- maternal health, including family planning, reproductive healthcare and ./dump-text/1-49.txt: maternal and neonatal health. but icai said investments were focused on ./dump-text/1-49.txt- short-term goals, and did not do enough to strengthen healthcare ./dump-text/1-49.txt- systems or target marginalised women or teenage girls. -- ./dump-text/1-49.txt- girls aged between 15 and 19 years. but icai found that few programmes ./dump-text/1-49.txt- included specific measures to reach these groups, nor did the ./dump-text/1-49.txt: department monitor whether its programmes were reaching teenage girls. ./dump-text/1-49.txt- ./dump-text/1-49.txt- it also failed to include measures that would tackle discrimination and -- ./dump-text/1-49.txt- ./dump-text/1-49.txt- while uk aid had improved access to family planning for millions of ./dump-text/1-49.txt: women, in malawi such programmes were delivered through non-state ./dump-text/1-49.txt- providers. such partnerships allowed funding to quickly reach large ./dump-text/1-49.txt- numbers of people, but risked displacing public sector services, said ./dump-text/1-55.txt- + podcasts ./dump-text/1-55.txt- + message boards ./dump-text/1-55.txt: + questions & answers ./dump-text/1-55.txt- + insurance guide ./dump-text/1-55.txt- + find a doctor -- ./dump-text/1-55.txt- * slideshows ./dump-text/1-55.txt- * videos ./dump-text/1-55.txt: * questions & answers ./dump-text/1-55.txt- * message board ./dump-text/1-55.txt- * find a psychiatrist ./dump-text/1-56.txt-footer-2-menu ./dump-text/1-56.txt- ./dump-text/1-56.txt: * viewers & players ./dump-text/1-56.txt- * foia ./dump-text/1-56.txt- * whitehouse.gov ./dump-text/1-57.txt-footer-2-menu ./dump-text/1-57.txt- ./dump-text/1-57.txt: * viewers & players ./dump-text/1-57.txt- * foia ./dump-text/1-57.txt- * whitehouse.gov ./dump-text/1-58.txt- + facts in pictures ./dump-text/1-58.txt- + publications ./dump-text/1-58.txt: + questions & answers ./dump-text/1-58.txt- ./dump-text/1-58.txt- * popular » ./dump-text/1-59.txt- when they lose touch with reality. people affected may hear voices, see ./dump-text/1-59.txt- things no one else sees, hold unusual or irrational beliefs, feel ./dump-text/1-59.txt: unrealistically powerful, or read particular meanings into everyday ./dump-text/1-59.txt- events. ./dump-text/1-59.txt- ./dump-text/1-60.txt- it is hard, bordering on impossible, to accurately diagnose yourself ./dump-text/1-60.txt- for mental disorders with an online questionnaire. you do not have an ./dump-text/1-60.txt: objective view of yourself and are bound to answer questions ./dump-text/1-60.txt- inaccurately. also, online tests are not comprehensive, so they do not ./dump-text/1-60.txt- check for all possible symptoms. only a face-to-face session with a -- ./dump-text/1-60.txt- ./dump-text/1-60.txt- calls to any general helpline (non-facility specific 1-8xx numbers) for ./dump-text/1-60.txt: your visit will be answered by american addiction centers (aac). ./dump-text/1-60.txt- ./dump-text/1-60.txt- we are standing by 24/7 to discuss your treatment options. our