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In combination with physical activity, your diet can help you achieve a healthy weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases (such as heart disease and cancer) and promote your overall health. Why does good health matter? Cells are the basic units of all organisms. They consist of a variety of chemicals. Cells move from location to location. Even if the cell does not move, there is still a lot of repairs. Cells are the basic units of all organisms. In relation, there are various specialized activities in our body such as the heart pumps blood, the kidney filters the urine, which even the brain constantly probably thinks the lungs help to inhale. There's a lot of interconnection in our body between the different organs. Our body needs energy and raw material for all these activities. Food is necessary for the functioning of cells and tissues. Therefore, if you're not good, all your physical activities begin to get hampered. The significance of health Health is a physical, mental and social state of complete well-being. A person needs a balanced diet and regular exercise for a healthy life cycle. You also have to live in a proper shelter, sleep enough and have good hygiene habits. So, how do we make sure we do all the right things to be healthy? Let's raise awareness about the importance of health 1)All organisms ' health depends on their environment or surroundings. In our individual health, our social environment is an important factor. 2)For individual health, public cleanliness is important. We must therefore ensure that we regularly collect and clear the waste. We also need to contact an agency responsible for clearing the drains. You could have a serious impact on your health without this. 3)We need food for health and food, by doing work, we have to earn money. There must be an opportunity to do work for this. Therefore, individual health needs good economic conditions and jobs. 4)To be really healthy, we need to be happy. We can't be healthy or happy if we mistreat each other and fear each other. For individual health, social equality and harmony are important. What is an illness? If one or more organs or systems of our body are adversely affected because they are interrupted in their normal functioning, we say that we are not healthy, i.e. we have a disease. Disease means that something is wrong with our body and we feel that the body is unwell or malfunctioning. Our health is not only affected by uneven diets, but also by diseases, infections, poverty, large families, overcrowded homes, etc. The disease is usually caused by external organisms (microbes), which cross the natural barriers of the body and invade our healthy body. Such organisms can cause havoc if it is not handled immediately by our immune system. health-and-its-importance Health and its significance Types of Health Mental and physical health are the two types of health most frequently discussed. We also talk about, among others, "spiritual health," "emotional health" and "financial health." They were also linked to lower levels of stress and mental and physical well- being. Physical Health Bodily functions work at peak performance in a person who experiences physical health, not only because of a lack of disease, but also because of regular exercise, balanced nutrition and adequate rest. When necessary, we receive treatment to maintain the balance. Physical well- being means a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of disease. For example, maintaining physical fitness can protect the breathing and heart function, muscle strength, flexibility and body composition of a person and develop it. Physical health and well- being also reduce the risk of injury or health problems. Examples include minimizing risks at work, safe sex, good hygiene, or avoiding tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs. Mental Health Mental health means the emotional, social and psychological well- being of a person. Mental health is as important to a full and active lifestyle as physical health. Mental health is harder to define than physical health, because diagnosis often depends on the perception of the individual's experience. However, with test improvements, some signs of some types of mental illness in CT scans and genetic testing are now becoming "visible." Mental health is not just a lack of depression, anxiety or other disorder. It also depends on the ability to: Enjoy life bouncing back after difficult experiences achieve balance, feel safe and secure in order to achieve your potential. There are good links between physical and mental health. If chronic disease affects the ability of a person to perform his or her regular tasks, depression and stress can be caused, for example, by money problems. A mental illness such as depression or anorexia can affect the weight and function of the body. Rather than its different types, it is important to approach "health "as a whole. Good Health Factors Health depends on a variety of factors. A person is born with a variety of genes and an unusual genetic pattern can lead to a level of health that is less than optimal in some people. Environmental factors play an important role. The environment alone sometimes suffices to have an impact on health. An environmental trigger can cause disease in a genetically susceptible person at other times. These can be summarized as: Social and economic environment: Including the wealth of a family or community. The physical environment: Including parasites in an area or levels of pollution. The characteristics and behaviors of the person: According to the World Health Organization, the higher the socio- economic status of a person( SES), the more likely they are to enjoy good health, good education, a well- paid job, and if their health is threatened, good health care will be available. People with a lower socio- economic status are more likely to experience stresses related to daily life, such as financial difficulties, marital disruption and unemployment, as well as social factors such as marginalization and discrimination. All of this adds to the risk of poor health. Low socio- economic status means often less access to healthcare. People in developed countries with universal health services have longer life expectancies than people without universal health care in developed countries. Cultural problems can have an impact on health. A society's traditions and customs and the response of a family to them can have a good or bad effect on health. For example, people around the Mediterranean are more likely to consume high levels of fruit, vegetables and olives and eat as a family compared to fast food crops. How stress is managed affects health. People who smoke, drink or take drugs to forget about their problems are likely to experience more health problems later than people who fight stress through healthy diet and exercise. Men and women are susceptible to various health factors. They may be at greater risk of poor health than men in societies where women earn less than men or are less educated. [INS: :INS] * Facebook * Twitter * pinterest * * * * You may like these posts Post a Comment 1 Comments 1. Hello Healthy24 December 2019 at 19:33 good sir visit this blog https://myhellohealthy.blogspot.com/2019/12/10-make-ahead-breakfast -under-30020.html ReplyDelete Replies Reply Add comment Load more... 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