Social Movements have played a major role in bringing many social changes! It is not only in the today’s world but also, from a very long time that they have worked. Their history goes long back. Moreover, Social Movements have various dimensions within themselves. In addition, they can range from a huge group or a community to an individual. Here is a short and basic description of socialmovements before relating them with social media! About Social Movements -- About Social Movements “Social movements are broad alliances of people connected through a shared interest in either stopping or instigating social change”. (source: Lumen)In other words, socialmovements is a unified and flexible structure of people with similar opinions and goals. Their basic aim is to change or remove an existing idea, or add a new one.Moreover, it has no rigid or strict boundaries. Also, it has no formal or organised structure. However, the similar ideas and goals aligns people into a certain discipline.Social movements provide a platform for people to voice up collectively and influence change.In addition, it provides a sense of belonging to the people. It is because they meet others with similar thoughts and goals. The working, number of people and range of every movement differs from one another. In other words, socialmovement has no standardised way. Many a time, a socialmovement is related to an organisation(social or non-government) or any political party.Moreover, they are spontaneous in nature. But, they can last for weeks, months or even, years.Importantly, the main thing that sustains a socialmovement is the common ground of people. Their loyalty and faith towards the ideology of the movement, keeps them connected. In other words, the main essence of a movement is the commitment of the people towards it. Since, there is no formal application or resignation to join a movement, such personal factors play a vital role.In addition, participation and engagement in activities are the sub-elements of such movements. Social Movement is actually a vast structure that is studied under Sociology and Political Science. Moreover, as everything is changing with time, so are them! They are evolving in nature. Here are some common questions to have more idea about them! -- -- Social Movements do not have a procedure or a uniform way of working. However, there is a known pattern that has been established for them. They tend to have a life-cycle. It shows how they come into existence(emergence) and fade away(decline). To know the entire life cycle, read THE STAGES OF SOCIAL MOVEMENTS What are their causes? There can be several reasons behind any socialmovement. It can be where the thinking or the ideology matches(psychological factors.) or when a specific group are against established norms(social factors). Moreover, socialmovement can also start to support or be against a specific person. Therefore, the cause is as vast as the nature of the movement. Are social organisation and socialmovement the same? There is a difference between social organisation and socialmovement. The two are separate in nature. The basic line of distinction between the two is, the nature of structure. Social organisations are formally organised and structured while there are no boundaries when it comes to socialmovements. Moreover, there can be a possibility that the social organisation has emerged from a socialmovement. Is ideology important in a socialmovement? An ideology is a pattern of ideas that create the common ground in a socialmovement. They are necessary because they create similar actions. It brings everyone together. Also Read Negative effects of social media THE ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA -- -- In today’s world of technology, Internet plays a major role. With the advent of the Internet, social media has become a very common platform. Moreover, anything and everything can be informed or discussed in this platform. In addition, the best part of social media is that it connects people worldwide over a short period of time. The emerge of various media-platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many others, have created a boundary-less space. It provides people a chance to voice their opinions freely. As a result, socialmovements have started to emerge and spread via Internet. In addition, socialmovements are also termed as Online movements. It is when social medias drive socialmovements on the vehicle of the Internet. -- There are numerous ways in which a social media affects any socialmovement. Now these ways can be both positive and negative. With the emerge of people voicing up their support for a movement or cause, there is also constant hate and trolls being spread. People often tend to criticize the movements they are totally against to. Moreover, at times, social media becomes a base for hate-groups formation. People tend to form communities over similar ideologies and keep spreading them. However, it cannot be denied how beneficial social media is for socialmovements! Here are some briefed-out points! Social Media provides a platform. -- -- Here are some briefed-out points! Social Media provides a platform. The socialmovements when reach the social media, they spread across the world. It provides a boundary-free and limitless platform. Moreover, many social networks provide the feature of forming groups or communities. This enables people with same goals to reach out to each other. This platform provides everybody a chance to get involved in the movement. There are different ways a person can show support or criticism for or against the movement.In addition, nowadays, social media is also used to raise funds. Various movements independently or in collaboration with organisations collect fund for the cause. Several people donate and help in the fund raising. Increases the reach of the SOCIAL MOVEMENT The social medias have become a way to express ones views and find people with the same views. Moreover, many a time movements start from social medias, itself. For instance, the “Me Too” or the “Black Lives Matter” movements. It starts from one nation and reaches several. People get an idea of what is happening and are able to extend support.Moreover, it also gives a chance to people to identify things and their own voice. When they get to know of a cause, they identify if they are in support or against it.Social media helps a lot in getting people with similar ideologies across the world, together. In addition, it helps the movement reach several places in no time. Therefore, it creates a speedy movement.