Mr Adam said DP World had previously dealt with the issues within the scope of the proposed EA, which legally limits the matters that can be agreed to."Things we had to do in terms of consultation and dealing with people displaced by automation had all been addressed within the confines of the [in-principle] agreement," he said."At this stage we have no plans to meet [with the union] while these additional claims are in place."The strike comes as MUA West Australian secretary and national president Chris Cain took over as leading negotiator late last year.Mr Cain denied the new strike was over the union's automation and outsourcing demands, saying those claims did not allow for protected action as they were outside the EA."We have many issues. For 15 months we've been trying to reach agreements pertaining to availability of rosters, union leave, parental leave ... and we're going to continue to take strike action [in support of them]," he said.He also denied there was an in-principle agreement because any deal had to be approved by the union's national council.He accused DP World of failing to bargain in good faith by issuing ultimatums, threatening job cuts and attempting to unilaterally strip away workplace rights to force workers into agreement."[Workers] will absolutely not accept a situation where these negotiations continue to drag on for month after month with no resolution in sight," Mr Cain said.“The MUA remains ready and willing to resolve this dispute and bring an end to this escalating industrialaction, but that can’t occur until DP World management start to genuinely negotiate in good faith.�DP World chief executive Glen Hilton last year warned the union risked automation and a continued decline in worker earnings if it did not fix "unsustainable" workplace arrangements.The stevedore has the largest manual workforce in the industry at about 1800 workers, but has been losing huge container volumes to its automated competitors.Mr Hilton said the company was in a situation where wharfies on fixed rosters were paid to come to the docks for no work while part-time and casual workers were seeing their hours reduced.