[INS: :INS] (BUTTON) 이전 기사보기 (BUTTON) 다음 기사보기 퍼블릭뉴스 싱가포르, COVID-19 백신 접종 거부자에 대한 제약 강화 (BUTTON) 바로가기 (BUTTON) 복사하기 (down) 본문 글씨 줄이기 (up) 본문 글씨 키우기 스크롤 이동 상태바 -- * 국제 * 중국 싱가포르, COVID-19 백신 접종 거부자에 대한 제약 강화 * 기자명 Mai Dang 해외통신원 * 입력 2021.09.24 23:06 -- businesses and boost up the national economic recovery. Nonetheless, it is obvious to notice the divide between vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals on social media. Vaccinated people are going on with their advantages, a normal life, but the anti-vaxxers are angry and causing themselves more mental trauma. Some unvaccinated individuals claim that this is against their freedom, and they are so discriminated against in Singapore. But what kind of