taxe and spending this article is more than months old higher taxe could leave lowpaid frontline workers £ worse off -- labour and cbi express concerns the governmente s taxe policies are bad for business and workers -- the combination of higher national insurance contributions nics universal credit cuts and a freeze on the income taxe personal allowance would take £ a year away from the average supermarket -- danker the director general of business lobby group the cbi will warn that higher business taxe and lower investment are not a plan for economic growth -- share to tackle the debts of covid” danker will say “that is why many business leaders accepted the jawdropping sixpoint corporate taxe increase announced in march” -- but he will say there is now a real risk the government will keep turning to business taxe to “carry the load” and the choice of national insurance to fund social care is the latest example of this -- perhaps more politically palatable – is without consequence to growth” he will say “ite s not raising business taxe too far has always been selfdefeating as it stymies further investment” -- extending the annual investment allowance increase for another year and introducing the superdeduction – the biggest twoyear business taxe cut in modern british history”