pm declines to rule out taxe rises saying only he will do without them ‘if i can possibly avoid ite -- close boris johnson refuses to rule out future taxe rises -- £aweek cut in welfare for the poorest families saying he will not “raise taxe to subsidise low pay” but the prime minister did not rule out taxe rises altogether telling bbce s andrew marr show only that “if i can possibly avoid it i wone raise taxe again” -- betterskilled jobs which is what is happening” he said “ie d rather see that than raising taxe to subsidise low pay” -- tradition of margaret thatcher pointing out that she did not have to deal with the “fiscal meteorite” of a global pandemic which added £bn to government spending -- “working families are facing a tory costofliving crisis this winter because of this governmente s taxe hikes energy crisis and cuts to universal credit ite s not too late for the government to change course