social care desperately needs more funding – but a sweeping taxe increase isne the solution -- taxe increase mooted to pay for governmente s social care reforms -- disruption these are the people who will hit most hard from an increase in taxe up to an extra £ each year given to the taxeman could dictate whether the heating is turned on when ite s cold outside -- we done need taxe raises for everyone we need new progressive taxe reform to ensure that the poor and vulnerable done pay the price of -- fund explained the matter succinctly on un news “it is certainly problematic when effective taxe rates for betteroff people are lower than for poorer ones it is also often the case that betteroff people with access to taxe advice and more complex financial affairs can make better use of exceptions or loopholes in the taxe system than those who rely only on wages closing such options can make for a more equitable system and depending on the country can more important than structural reforms of taxe rates” the taxe system is hurting those on lower incomes in response to the growing disparity between the haves and havenots it is time for the -- lisa nandy has said labour is open to some may argue that heavier taxe for the wealthy isne fair but right now in a time of crisis the “fair” debate needs to put to rest and we need to make sure that -- however simply taxeing the rich more wone close the inequality gap south africa is considered to have “one of the most efficient taxe systems in the world” and yet it scores poorly overall in addressing -- taxe are only one element in the equation of equality that needs to solved if those in power are going to act on their talk about lifting -- social care needs more funding – but taxe increases for all wone help social care needs more funding – but taxe increases for all wone help the prime minister boris johnson had pledged not to raise taxe or national insurance as part of his partye s manifesto