annual influx of new voters is especially important given that France is experiencing low voter turnout and disillusionment with the current parties. In recent regional elections voter turnout dropped 16 points, as many French voters felt unrepresented by any of the available candidates and parties. A tight race between Macron and far-right -- -- both the arts and the youth, which will help maintain France’s soft power. Current polls show that Macron is neck and neck with Le Pen in the 2022 election. Therefore, securing this previously untapped youth vote could be a deciding factor in the upcoming election. Categories: Europe, Politics -- Categories: Europe, Politics Tags: COVID-19, Emmanuel Macron, France, French elections, Marine Le Pen, tourism -- -- Cyprus: Now the real work begins U.S. policy for Myanmar’s 2015 election -- U.S. policy for Myanmar’s 2015 election Portugal faces an impossible task, expect a second bailout -- -- Portugal faces an impossible task, expect a second bailout Malaysia’s looming general election: what it means for the economy -- Malaysia’s looming general election: what it means for the economy Oman’s future: What goes up must come down