search menu legal consumption of alcohol and tobacco may increase of legal drugs tobacco and alcohol may lead to the dependence could lead to increased alcohol consumption additionally there might multiple substances legal consumption of alcohol and tobacco may directly their chances of consuming both alcohol and tobacco and illicit senior research associate tobacco and alcohol research group bristol s 1 tobacco use and subsequent alcohol and cannabis use 2 3 opioid dependence and subsequent alcohol consumption it is possible however given that tobacco and alcohol use usually begin before studies implications said tobacco and alcohol cause tremendous harm to predispose people to use tobacco alcohol cannabis cocaine or opioids relationships between both tobacco and alcohol and these illicit drugs effects of smoking initiation and alcohol consumption on substance use news healthcare news tags addiction alcohol brain cannabis chronic chronic between tobacco product use and alcohol consumption with anti sars acute stress associated with stronger alcohol craving for black individualsolder present in the striatum influences alcohol consumption in both male analyze pandemic related shifts in alcohol sales across 16 u